Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Broke my censor

Monday wasn't as bad as I feared.

Okay, sure, three projects did hit at once. And my head was still pounding. But at least it wasn't stabbing pain -- well, not most of the time -- and I still had a little leftover tylenol with codeine from a root canal.

Which kind of tells you how bad the pain had gotten.

I yelled at someone and there were a few times in the day I had to sit there and hold my head in both hands but for all of was one of the more productive days I've had this year.

And so was today. Or at least I think it was. It could be that pain has knocked out my internal censor, and let me stop second-guessing and judging myself all the time. I certainly was acting productive, staying on my feet or on the computer all day instead of nursing a hot chocolate in the back of the shop as had been happening a bit too frequently of late.

Maybe I've just gotten angry and stubborn. I'm going to try like hell to put in full regular hours until and unless HR themselves tell me to take a sick day. And aside from being, well, in pain I'm feeling great!

Today was only four hundred words but the novel, too, seems to be benefitting from whatever this is. Maybe I actually am thinking more clearly than I have in a while, and solving the scenes I was getting hung up on, or maybe I'm just so impatient and sick I'm more willing to accept compromise, but whatever it is, there is actually the slightest faintest hope I might have a complete draft before April has vanished in the rear-view mirrors.

I can understand why so many artists sank into absinthe. Pretty sure acute sinus infection is not nearly as attractive. I would really rather this pain be gone. 

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