Saturday, October 26, 2019


And I got mired in the dirndl scene. The editing intention was to turn as much empty narrative into fully-dramatized scenes, and this was a good scene to put in some dialog and interaction. It is also an overview of Oktoberfest traditions -- I'm still meaning to add some of the things she got told off-screen to being told on-screen.

What I didn't realize is if I do this, it turns into a scene about boobs. I mean, a dirndl is really all about the boobs. It is a carefully engineered boob-enhancer. And for writing an immersive female character, getting all voyeuristic about anatomy is pretty much at the bottom of the list of things to do. Sure, it's not going to "breasted boobily down the hall" but, sheesh.

I don't care if she's having fun and the whole interaction could give some nice character interaction. I mean, sure, she's gushed over her jacket, her boots, and have you seen a dirndl bluse? Cuuuute! The way to look at it, though, is you could do the same with a male character pissing into a urinal but that doesn't belong in most stories, either.

In short, it distracts from the main directions of the narrative.

I've got the shredded scene lying around in pieces right now, plus scraps that are supposed to get stitched in somewhere if they fit. It isn't a hard task to make it work. It certainly isn't challenging. It is just a bunch of annoying text drags and revisions to take the material I've got and put it into a new shape that...isn't all about the boobs.

So finally got through that one. Although I still ended up looking at catalogs of push-up bras. Sigh. But I managed to make it through the scene without anything feeling like it was going too far. Now the revised teufelsrad scene, on the other hand...

Durn. This bock is a 7.9% ? No wonder.

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