Sunday, October 27, 2019


I'm up to the half-way point in the fix-ups and I'm burning out on it.

I knew the big Oktoberfest scene would be a problem. Not the revised teufelsrad. A little chat that's a bit of a conversation from Dune, with each of the players having multiple layers behind their words.

Well, it is done. It is stronger than it was, and fits the new flow better. I did end up with a ridiculously fast-acting drug, though. It is a real-time conversation and I made the moment when the drug goes into the beer specific, so...

Now I'm looking at an argument between various Italians that is only fitfully translated. This one will have almost no Italian quoted, though. The only word that will appear in the narrative in native form is "Rom."

And then there's the revised Sheep scene. Actually, I think I can blow it off, even though there is some fun stuff in it. I shifted some stuff out of the Oktoberfest confrontation and now that realization needs to go there.

Would possibly concentrate better if I didn't have to wear headphones through the entire day. My new neighbor will NOT stop making distracting noises (mostly a baseball game. Or whatever sportsball is going on right now). Seriously, I get more work done at the cafe. Noise, interruptions, and all.

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