Thursday, August 31, 2017

Who would have thought the old man to have so much blood in him

I've been getting stuck with needles a couple times a week. Blood draws, which they've gotten really good at and which hardly hurt at all. Injections of various things which, well, less so. I've also stumbled on a fun urban fantasy series, the October Daye books. Toby does blood magic, so she'd be seeing a lot of the stuff even if her approach to problems didn't end up with her bleeding out on the floor at least once a book. I've was also just offered lighting design on a new adaptation of Dracula. And I've been back to listening to the Writing Excuses podcasts, from which the biggest lesson this week for me is "go for the blood."

With all this blood around, how is it my writing of the past few years has been so bloodless?

Next post -- discovery writing and when it fails.

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