Wednesday, June 5, 2024


I want finished draft by the 14th. That's not a lot of time. Especially not since we are rebuilding the shop (due to a convergence of various things, we have both pressure to put together a better working space, and money to throw at the project).

And cleaning house, which in some part became more timely with the shop rebuild.

Got most of the way through the draft of the Square Louise Michel scene. Wasn't quite working, took a look back, and part of the problem was all the way back at the climax and resolution. So re-writing that. And that will have trickle-on requiring editing of the Eglise Notre-Dame-du-Travail. And then I'll be back to the Square Louise Michel and after that there's only two scenes to go!

That's shy of complete edit and readying for publication. But at least the whole thing will be down on (virtual) paper.

Pity there's only one weekend left. I get all my best work done then but that's rarely more than a scene or maybe a scene and a half.

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