Friday, September 1, 2023


I've been going out for dinner every night. It is the only way I can concentrate enough to get any writing done. At thirty bucks per scene this could be an expensive way to write a novel. But I need food anyhow, and since I don't look to be getting a proper vacation soon...

Often people trying to get into writing will ask where the ideas come from. The idea are everywhere and they grow; that's why fanfiction authors invented the name "Plot Bunnies." The problem is sitting down and writing them.

The problem I'm having with the Fox stories is that there's this weird gap between what the book is about and what the book is about. Sure, do an adventure involving the rumored Vikings in America, Kensington Runestone and all that. Roll it up with folk music circles and get Penny back behind a violin again. But that's the hook. What I seem to be having trouble with, is what are the scenes about? How am I filling the pages between the Inciting Incident and the final climax and resolution?

But it isn't even that I can't find business to fill the gaps. It is that it feels like gap fillers. Like stuffing. Never more so than in the Paris book, where I feel like I am just coming up with ways to waste time before I bring her home.

Oh yeah. And as for bunnies? I keep having them for things that would work great in an archeological thriller series that didn't try to be so serious about history. So here's the one that stuck its cute fuzzy nose out earlier today. I'd been thinking of ancient scripts and I was on Thingiverse looking for things to keep my newly rebuilt Ender3 busy (I'm also lasering away now...put a sign on my shop, finally!) Found a Phaistos Disk cookie cutter. And the description there talked about a rumor that it contains a geometric theorum (never heard that one before.)

The Phaistos Almagest. A mathematical secret lost to the ages, that... (and the rest writes itself).

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