Saturday, February 6, 2021

More people have been to Russia than I have

Yesterday I had a mild cough so I begged off work. You don't want to be having even a mild cough when everyone is in a lingering panic. 

And I got 2,500 words written. Of course, today it had turned into a nice sinus headache and I have, so far, 140 words penned. Err, typed. 

And I updated my Official Author's Page with more photos of Kyoto. 

The scene plan is firming up, bit by bit:

I have a firm idea now of what needs to go into the rest of Part II. Part III is still a bit up in the air.

On this one, the four-part breakdown may not quite work. I'd love to have a part break when the action shifts to Tokyo, and for the previous two book I had the last break close to the Act III crux, the nadir point just before the "Let's get dangerous" turn.

This one, it looks like I want to get back to Kyoto and spend more time exploring the cult's beliefs and getting to know the people there before the trap is set and Penny flies out to Hokkaido (or wherever I mean to do the snow sequence...I'm still dreaming of doing it in Mie Prefecture but that is just too far south to be proper snow country.) So either Part III is going to run long, or I'll have to take the Part IV break well before the true crazy begins.

And I still may have to go around chopping a bunch of stuff because if I'm at 30K now it is going to be going over 80K by the time I get out of the snow.

And the first draft of the Rock Gym scene is standing at 1,500 words. Which is productive, but just emphasizes that I'm either going to have to cut like mad when I get to revisions, or change the plan of making this a breezy 70K book and let it have the pages an entirely alien culture and complex world is seeming to require of it.

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