Wednesday, November 4, 2020


 I've moved a small number of copies of Fox and Hounds. I have no way of knowing which are going to friends or family, other than that most of the friends and family I know don't read on the computer, so eBook sales are less likely to be them.

It is very difficult to trace through Amazon whether someone who saw an ad went on to buy a copy. But from both best-guesses of the above, and the click-through that Amazon thinks it has identified, my ratio of advertising cost to sales made is around 10:1

That's not in my favor.

I am still behind the power curve on this. Having two books in an associated series looks like it may be helping. I have more energy on Fox and Hounds and I don't think it is all advertising or something attractive about the cover. I think I can trace some of that to giving away the first book and people being interested enough to at least look at the second.

So I still want that third book. I am really thinking about pushing myself to get four out there before I take a break and do something different. Not that Sometimes a Fox is a good stopping place. It isn't even the place where I run out of cities (I still have Bangkok, plus the States and a little bit of Alaska.) If anything, A Fox's Wedding closes off the origin story.


On my third week of walking to work every day. Walked nine miles on Monday. Been feeling good; have been doing a full work week, too.

The timing is nice here. A chunk of A Fox's Wedding is going to be Penny getting back into shape after letting it slide for a bit too long. If I can continue feeling better -- or at least, well enough -- I might be able to get back to the gym and refresh my memory on rock climbing. And even better, get out to some snow and mess around with skis or dangerous machines that do things in snow (whatever the rental options are there). Because I'd love to have some direct experience to draw from.


The plotting is otherwise going slowly. I do want this to be a simpler book in general. Not a lot of history, less dialog, more focused in themes and plots. However, at the center needs to be some cleverness, meaning I need to do some more structured plotting about who told who and who thinks what when.

Oh, but I also have (minor) edit notes for Fox and Hounds, and I discovered that when you create a series on Amazon it wants a cover image (which it never prompted me for). And there's a way of putting the third book up as a pre-sale. So I've been haunting ShutterStock again.

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