Saturday, June 13, 2020

"Sword and magic heeeelmet!"

Yeah, I guess I got bored at work.

I've been working "Ride of the Valkyries" and the silly idea occurred to do a "learning the trombone" video that just cross-cut from first notes to simple scales to, well...  And add a helmet and some flames or something. Except that I hate wrestling with my green screen and it is too small for shooting a trombone performance.

So I made this an exercise in exploring all the "if you don't have casting resin, here's a hardware store substitute you can use" techniques. Substitute my little shop at work for hardware store, and I have several things that that are not really hardware store. Like a bolt of muslin cloth, like some industrial resin, like the white expanded foam. Even barge cement.

So I did this without a real plan, without mock-ups, and with a lot of "oops" moments as one of the materials didn't behave as intended. At least at the end of it, I'd managed to throw out all my Oomoo and Rebound and three cans of Bondo that had all gone bad. So it helped with the house-cleaning, too!

If you really need the whole list, I made a rambling post at the RPF. The shell is glue-muslin, the horns expanded foam reinforced with resin mixed 3:1 with Durham's Water Putty to thicken it, the studs are cast in Durham's using a mold made of white bathtub caulk on an original carved from the end of a dowel.

So, yeah, learning experience. It works fine for what it was intended to be (really, I would have been just as happy with something even sillier and cruder looking. Maybe I'll add a shredded-paper beard when I do the video). The main complaint I had is too much going back and fixing stuff that didn't work right.

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