Friday, November 29, 2019

Why so Cyrus

Or should that have been "Osiris?"

Anyhow, that's the title of a new working folder. I'm taking the Bronze Age thing back to its roots and prepared to do LESS research on a LESS serious book that goes back to the Five Man Band concept and brings back magic and gods. So a lot less obsession about pottery forms in Cypress imports in 1182 BCE and more of, well, an Italian Hercules movie. So that's off the back burner. Not the story I was working on, exactly. But something faster and easier to write based on the work I've already done.

And I'm largely settled on London for the sequel to the novel that's going to be on Kindle before December is out. Assuming I can finish the cover. This is the down and out in London, everything going wrong, increasing misery taking an even sharper and literal downward turn in the last third -- into the various tunnels and crypts and mysteries and dangers under London. Some of which are not exactly of the real world. Because this was going to go into directions of pseudo-history eventually.

I'm early enough in plotting yet so not sure whether it is Fox and Hounds or Sometimes a Fox. Although the latter being, well, Napoleon, perhaps that's a better one to set in Paris? (I hear you saying; why Paris? There's more to France than Paris. Well, there certainly is. But there's more to the world than France, too. Why Paris is, specifically, because I've been there.)

I still have a file called Badgers which means nothing at all but that's where my military SF urban fantasy love triangle goes. I'm just not feeling that one at the moment. Maybe if I buckle down on the horror elements, or at least the classic horror tropes, I'll get an interest back.

And lastly, I'm seeing if I can combine the Space Opera idea with the Tiki Stars idea. I still have some basic problems. But they are both potentially un-reconstructed stuff that could possibly be deconstructed a little if that works better. And it would be hell of fun. And half the research would be hanging out in Tiki bars drinking mixed drinks so there's that...

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