I finally started to get some figure-drawing memories back. Took it long enough.
Four passes for this one. So far. Still not sure how exactly I'm going to ink it to make black-figure (or perhaps red-figure if it ends up looking better) Attic pottery.
Broke out my old pencil set and did action lines in red, drew roughs and guides in blue. Then anatomy (you usually draw nude then add clothes). Then outfits and features. Then a fourth pass to go slightly Attic with the linework. In particular, a typical eye form.
I'm being slightly annoyed now because the basis of both Attic styles (and even the later polychrome ware) is a silhouette figure on solid background, with details picked out on top.
In black-figure, the artwork is added with slip; this is a slurry made of finer-grind clay than the larger grained and more porous clay of the body of the pot. The pot is fired in three stages; in the second phase, the entire pot is already black with oxide formation and the finer-grained slip vitrifies, sealing in the color. The last re-oxidation stage brings the base clay back to reds and oranges.
Details were incised into the slip (presumably before firing) allowing the red base to show through. The later red-figure added details in the same slip as the background. In both, and especially in the later polychrome, specially formulated glazes added white, red, and yellow to the mix.
Thing is, I did line work. Typical of line art, the figures are outlined and the outlines carry through, becoming internal details. I'm not really sure how to best prepare it for filling in the solid color areas in Gimp.
The problem I'm having in the black v. red is that the black-figure is closer to the right period (I'm not duplicating the actual pot of the story in any way...it was painted in the Orientalizing period, barely out of the Late Geometric and prior to the full development of black-figure ware). Black-figure is harder to read, though. Also, traditionally (but not always) women would be picked out with that white overglaze I mentioned but whereas people of the period would understand this as short hand for the women having a slightly paler, less-sunlight skin tone, for us it looks like a white girl facing off against a black guy. Not what I want on the cover.
Red-figure also usually has that same symbolism but I feel better about omitting it there. Red-figure is also a lot more identifiable to the general public as "Greek Pot." The only real drawback is I'm intending a black backdrop so I need to be able to separate pot from background. Well, that and I really do like the look of the red background -- it has a lot of nice texture -- and less of that shows through if it is used for the artwork and not the ground.
And I might change the pot. The Calyx Krater has that wide mouth that casts a big shadow. The Column Krater looks to my eye a little late period. There's also the Volute Krater, with the really fancy handles. But at that point, why not use an Amphorae?
Tricks of the trade, discussion of design principles, and musings and rants about theater from a working theater technician/designer.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Friday, November 29, 2019
Why so Cyrus
Or should that have been "Osiris?"
Anyhow, that's the title of a new working folder. I'm taking the Bronze Age thing back to its roots and prepared to do LESS research on a LESS serious book that goes back to the Five Man Band concept and brings back magic and gods. So a lot less obsession about pottery forms in Cypress imports in 1182 BCE and more of, well, an Italian Hercules movie. So that's off the back burner. Not the story I was working on, exactly. But something faster and easier to write based on the work I've already done.
And I'm largely settled on London for the sequel to the novel that's going to be on Kindle before December is out. Assuming I can finish the cover. This is the down and out in London, everything going wrong, increasing misery taking an even sharper and literal downward turn in the last third -- into the various tunnels and crypts and mysteries and dangers under London. Some of which are not exactly of the real world. Because this was going to go into directions of pseudo-history eventually.
I'm early enough in plotting yet so not sure whether it is Fox and Hounds or Sometimes a Fox. Although the latter being, well, Napoleon, perhaps that's a better one to set in Paris? (I hear you saying; why Paris? There's more to France than Paris. Well, there certainly is. But there's more to the world than France, too. Why Paris is, specifically, because I've been there.)
I still have a file called Badgers which means nothing at all but that's where my military SF urban fantasy love triangle goes. I'm just not feeling that one at the moment. Maybe if I buckle down on the horror elements, or at least the classic horror tropes, I'll get an interest back.
And lastly, I'm seeing if I can combine the Space Opera idea with the Tiki Stars idea. I still have some basic problems. But they are both potentially un-reconstructed stuff that could possibly be deconstructed a little if that works better. And it would be hell of fun. And half the research would be hanging out in Tiki bars drinking mixed drinks so there's that...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Bye, Sierra
I had to upgrade in order to use DropBox. Well, that was worth it. Allowed me to coordinate Scrivener files between machines.
Unfortunately it also broke Carrara and Poser. So pretty much all my 3d aps. And all the ones I was going to use to build and render the calyx.
Carrara is deadware. The missing menu problem isn't fixed as of the last release, and there will be no other releases (I would say updates and bug fixes...but it never had those).
Poser might or might not work. Apparently I do have to at least put in the latest patch. Of course Smith Micro sold it off and instantly stopped supporting, and the company that bought it has no interest in supporting older versions so...no patch is available.
It is apparently a problem with Flash. Which everyone knew was a stupid idea for just displaying thumbnails. And no work-around natch. And Mac got rid of Flash because it is a giant gaping security hole.
So I wonder what other software it broke? Well...Inkscape is still dead....
Unfortunately it also broke Carrara and Poser. So pretty much all my 3d aps. And all the ones I was going to use to build and render the calyx.
Carrara is deadware. The missing menu problem isn't fixed as of the last release, and there will be no other releases (I would say updates and bug fixes...but it never had those).
Poser might or might not work. Apparently I do have to at least put in the latest patch. Of course Smith Micro sold it off and instantly stopped supporting, and the company that bought it has no interest in supporting older versions so...no patch is available.
It is apparently a problem with Flash. Which everyone knew was a stupid idea for just displaying thumbnails. And no work-around natch. And Mac got rid of Flash because it is a giant gaping security hole.
So I wonder what other software it broke? Well...Inkscape is still dead....
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
UV nodes on a Grecian Urn
The calyx model is done. I think. Now I just have to paint up the textures. Artwork, bump map, spec map. And render, of course.
Cheetah3D is growing on me. The best thing, right now, is that no operation caused it to crash or cause the object to become un-editable. And that's way ahead of Carrara on it's best day. The lathe operation puts out a clean UVmap and the built-in tools did a decent job of mapping the handles, too.
I agree with the manual. The bezier spline controls are not good. Better to make a spline in an illustration program and import it. My first take at handles was with a spline sweep, but I didn't like the resulting profile.
So I did a box model, dropped it on a symmetry tool, and then dropped that on a subdiv smoothing tool. All worked just as I'd hoped, with just a little learning curve involved. I think the software could end up being fast, once I put some custom hotkeys into it (apparently you can).
Meanwhile an instrument I had in my wishlist went on open-box sale:
Cheetah3D is growing on me. The best thing, right now, is that no operation caused it to crash or cause the object to become un-editable. And that's way ahead of Carrara on it's best day. The lathe operation puts out a clean UVmap and the built-in tools did a decent job of mapping the handles, too.
I agree with the manual. The bezier spline controls are not good. Better to make a spline in an illustration program and import it. My first take at handles was with a spline sweep, but I didn't like the resulting profile.
So I did a box model, dropped it on a symmetry tool, and then dropped that on a subdiv smoothing tool. All worked just as I'd hoped, with just a little learning curve involved. I think the software could end up being fast, once I put some custom hotkeys into it (apparently you can).
Meanwhile an instrument I had in my wishlist went on open-box sale:
Yes; transverse flute, otherwise known as Western Concert Flute in C. Closed-hole, C foot, not the longer B foot. And, yes, it is pink.
I fired up my camera because this is the last chance I am likely to have to attempt to play an unfamiliar family of instrument without any prior study. Yeah; that question has been floating around. My opinion is you can get a sound out of most plucked strings and hammered instruments, including percussion and keyboards. Single reed, a little harder. Double reed and brass, harder yet. Bowed strings, extremely difficult; yes, you can get noises, but not anything resembling the characteristic sound of the instrument.
That's the thing about the piano. Sure, a random child or small animal can't play a Chopin Etude, but when the press down a key, it sounds like, well, a piano.
Turns out the transverse flute was tough for me. Apparently some people get the embouchure right away. Some don't. Apparently the book method is you detach the head joint and just play that for a week. Then you play the first octave until you are good with it. Then you move on to the second octave.
Five days and I'm playing scales but the second octave is not secure. A very breathy tone I'm not happy with. But as far as adding flute sounds to a composition -- yeah, I've got enough. I may work on it for a few more days but then it is back to the trumpet. Which, for all I may have said about it in the past, is oddly pleasing to play.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
What is it about 3D?
Maybe it is because working on a 3-dimensional form is largely incompatible with the interface of flat display, keyboard, and mouse? Like doing orchestral synthesis; even with keyboard, breath controller, and CC knobs you just can't put the same nuances in you can with an orchestral instrument in your own hands?
It seems that every 3d application I have worked with re-invents the wheel. Usually badly.
They are largely unintuitive and often have clunky workflow -- the kind of design where something you do once an hour has a hotkey sequence but something you have to do several times a minute requires selecting from a drop-down menu.
And they lack useful manuals.
It took three days of searching to find anything resembling a manual for Cheetah3D. It is a third-party, fan-written, but fortunately free manual. Still, every resource I've seen seems to jump over those early basic steps that become so rote everyone forgets they have to be explained to the beginner.
"Adjust UV's by applying the Scale tool to your Selection..." Okay, great, but how do I select UVs in the first place? The regular selection tools don't seem to do anything. That's the sort of thing that gets skipped over.
Two things annoy me very much from both a workflow and a "why are we doing this" angle; first is that selection and manipulation are separate. So if you want to operate on more than one polygon, you click the Select tool from the menu bar, possibly go into Area or another Select Mode (which does NOT toggle, but only acts for the duration of one selection), then go back and click the Manipulate tool also in the menu bar, go back and pick up your selection (don't accidentally click outside!) and then you can move it.
Oh, except you didn't "Make editable" so nothing happens. That's the other thing. Like Fusion's weird way of splitting editable objects into different types, I don't understand the underlying philosophy behind "make editable" and what it functionally does.
There is one fix which should be easy to make and I hope will happen soon; grey out menu items that don't apply to the kind of object you are working with. As it is now, all the menus open up; even contextual menu pops up with every operation that could be done on any object. Carrara, for all that I have and would say (It is dead ware -- Don't buy it), gathered the applicable tools to the contextual menus.
Actually, I lied a little above. Although it too has unintuitive aspects to it, and lacks any and all useful documentation, Fusion360 is hyper-fast and efficient at navigation and basic operations. The hotkey camera and selection controls and the multi-purpose contextual handles meant I could model pretty much as fast as I could think.
I had a lifetime subscription at a locked-in rate that was quite affordable. So of course they broke the contract, jacked the price, offered me another "lifetime" subscription at about ten times as much, and from what I can tell from their official pages, broke that contract for the people who were foolish enough to sign for it and is now at something approaching what I pay for rent.
Carrara, meanwhile, no longer works under the last four or five upgrades to the MacOS and there is no support and no plans to ever make it work properly. Although they will still sell you an "upgrade" to 8.5 (yes -- throughout its history, Carrara almost never released patches. Instead they'd sell you the point upgrade for full price, promising that it would include the bug fixes for the last version. Which it never did.)
So, yeah, I'm pretty much waiting for Cheetah to get over the early teething problems, to get popular and powerful, at which point they will stab the user base in the back, sell out to Autocad, and jack the price out of range of the ordinary user. But for now, I think I can get it to do what I want.
At least it is easier to navigate than Blender.
It seems that every 3d application I have worked with re-invents the wheel. Usually badly.
They are largely unintuitive and often have clunky workflow -- the kind of design where something you do once an hour has a hotkey sequence but something you have to do several times a minute requires selecting from a drop-down menu.
And they lack useful manuals.
It took three days of searching to find anything resembling a manual for Cheetah3D. It is a third-party, fan-written, but fortunately free manual. Still, every resource I've seen seems to jump over those early basic steps that become so rote everyone forgets they have to be explained to the beginner.
"Adjust UV's by applying the Scale tool to your Selection..." Okay, great, but how do I select UVs in the first place? The regular selection tools don't seem to do anything. That's the sort of thing that gets skipped over.
Two things annoy me very much from both a workflow and a "why are we doing this" angle; first is that selection and manipulation are separate. So if you want to operate on more than one polygon, you click the Select tool from the menu bar, possibly go into Area or another Select Mode (which does NOT toggle, but only acts for the duration of one selection), then go back and click the Manipulate tool also in the menu bar, go back and pick up your selection (don't accidentally click outside!) and then you can move it.
Oh, except you didn't "Make editable" so nothing happens. That's the other thing. Like Fusion's weird way of splitting editable objects into different types, I don't understand the underlying philosophy behind "make editable" and what it functionally does.
There is one fix which should be easy to make and I hope will happen soon; grey out menu items that don't apply to the kind of object you are working with. As it is now, all the menus open up; even contextual menu pops up with every operation that could be done on any object. Carrara, for all that I have and would say (It is dead ware -- Don't buy it), gathered the applicable tools to the contextual menus.
Actually, I lied a little above. Although it too has unintuitive aspects to it, and lacks any and all useful documentation, Fusion360 is hyper-fast and efficient at navigation and basic operations. The hotkey camera and selection controls and the multi-purpose contextual handles meant I could model pretty much as fast as I could think.
I had a lifetime subscription at a locked-in rate that was quite affordable. So of course they broke the contract, jacked the price, offered me another "lifetime" subscription at about ten times as much, and from what I can tell from their official pages, broke that contract for the people who were foolish enough to sign for it and is now at something approaching what I pay for rent.
Carrara, meanwhile, no longer works under the last four or five upgrades to the MacOS and there is no support and no plans to ever make it work properly. Although they will still sell you an "upgrade" to 8.5 (yes -- throughout its history, Carrara almost never released patches. Instead they'd sell you the point upgrade for full price, promising that it would include the bug fixes for the last version. Which it never did.)
So, yeah, I'm pretty much waiting for Cheetah to get over the early teething problems, to get popular and powerful, at which point they will stab the user base in the back, sell out to Autocad, and jack the price out of range of the ordinary user. But for now, I think I can get it to do what I want.
At least it is easier to navigate than Blender.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Singing Vampire Tiki in London
From everything the books say, there is probably a lot more editing that should be done.
But I'm tired of it. I'm going to go with Papa Heinlein on this (his old school advice was, "You must refrain from rewriting, except to editorial order.")
Heinlein's rule isn't the absolute it seems at first glance, though. A nice essay I read recently talks about this as a process problem. There is a school of writing that says "get the draft out at all costs"; this school reaches an apex with NaNoWriMo, in which you are expected to write a lousy, too-short draft you will clean up later.
Me, I do a lot of editing on the way. When I'm re-reading a chapter to figure out if they mentioned the dingus and what the fellow's first name was, I also notice where I doubled a word or forgot to close a parenthesis. It seems to work; the grammar checker found very few errors of that type to alert me on.
I also do deeper structural edits. Now, they sound like the sort of thing that should have been caught in the outline and "fixed" then. But things grow organically. So while writing the climax I might think of a cool setting to use, and then I'll go back and plant references in earlier chapters and move some stuff around so the climax can happen there. And while I'm there, it is basically a second or third or fourth pass through the dialog and descriptions that are in that chapter.
Which means I tend to write a fairly clean draft, overall. So when I read the "standard advice" about doing four drafts until it gets good, I have to reflect that, again, is a descriptor of process, not a proscription of universal needs. I don't have to sit down saying, "I am doing a re-write" to be basically accomplishing a re-write.
(Which is sort of the argument I have against the pantser v. outliner battles; neither are the purists they claim to be. They just categorize what they do as falling into a specific pattern. "I wasn't outlining, I was just writing some rough drafts of possible scenes.")
Anyhow, I have it with a beta reader. It may go on from there, even to a native German speaker (who is sure to be horrified at the way "Herr Satz" mangles both languages.) And I'm not intending to do much past react to any complaints those readers might have.
Which sends me on a tiny language rant, a take-that on the kind of phrasebook speak where there is always a single word-for-word translation. I think this is a place invented languages often fall down on.
The closest you can get to a universal "Hi!" in Italian is "Ciao." It can be used at most times of day, and for that matter, for goodbye. But it is somewhat too casual for a good speaker to use with people he doesn't know well.
In my story, the first "Hello" is "Bueno Sera" (It is evening, and he hasn't been introduced to her.) Later, she greets him with "Buongiorno" and he returns with "Salve." (He's being "oddly formal" at that moment.) She also says "Ciao" to a friend.
And that's just Standard Italian; for this book I made no mention that almost every Italian is bilingual, speaking both that and one of the regional dialects so disparate they can be mutually incomprehensible.
I did mention in the book that they speak a regional German in Bavaria, but the only example I gave of Bayern was counting as "Oans, zwoa..." instead of the usual “Eins, zwei, drei.."
So I downloaded Cheetah3D and am getting into making the proper art for the cover. I'm rusty on 3d and on drawing and I'm feeling wiped out by that intensive editing work so I don't expect progress fast. This is really a better time to be dreaming a little. Say, coming up with what to write the next time I'm in a writing place, so I don't have to sit around waiting for the ideas to form.
As of the inevitable re-reading I had to do in checking edits in context and making sure no pages had dropped out in the process, I find myself not unhappy. It isn't exactly what I set out to write. The action does eventually end up just over the top although there is a slow boil in getting there. There isn't a lot of digging but there is an archaeological sensibility that makes it not quite and not just history-based. It is fun how many things from myth and history end up getting referred back to and given connections. And I achieved the "deep dive" into Athens, and it feels sort of right; she had to take a detour for half the book but, at last, I get to really sit down and hang out in Athens.
Can I do this again but do it better? By "better" I mean more focused, with less of a "If this is Tuesday this must be Belgium" approach and more of a single culture being the focus. And less of the oh-so-fun but somewhat extraneous details. And more sustained action. But, more importantly than that, a proper internal/external conflict, with Penny really wrestling with her inner demons (this book the conflict was pretty much, "Hey, wanna be a hero? Why not?") And with a strong antagonist who interacts nicely and who is properly visible to the reader (this one, the antagonists are largely masked, although the big round of edits put them a lot more on stage).
But things changed for me over that last push. New ideas showed up when things were bubbling, and some of the older ideas seem less attractive.
So here's the current line-up:
The transhumanist vampire-werewolf milSF love triangle is not interesting me quite as much at the moment. Maybe it will grow on me.
I'm having strong ideas towards Space Opera. I've talked before of doing a Used Furniture story. And there's the idea of an actual opera, or rather a group of performers...Downside is that I am already far too drawn towards cliche and kitsch and the intersection where make-believe hits reality, and there are too many excuses here. Well, in space opera, really. Like Epic Fantasy, it runs on Fable.
Sort of similar in the used furniture and big Space Opera tropes is a concept I'm calling The Tiki Stars. I'm talking retro-culture at full blast, Rat Pack in space, Moon Zero Two. Thing is this kinda wants to go in a Men's Adventure direction already and then there's the Tiki problem (as someone put it, imagine you are a good Catholic and you get served a beer in a glass shaped like the Virgin Mary.) It would be fun to write but, ugh, I'd probably have to pick a Sad Puppy nom de plume or would be Oh John Ringo No.
Although I've said I'd like to take a break, Fox and Hounds does seem a likely project to tackle next. Yes; I made the commit and all the Athena Fox titles will have fox-things. Starting with The Fox Knows Many Things. My beta reader already tells me she likes it.
But I'm tired of it. I'm going to go with Papa Heinlein on this (his old school advice was, "You must refrain from rewriting, except to editorial order.")
Heinlein's rule isn't the absolute it seems at first glance, though. A nice essay I read recently talks about this as a process problem. There is a school of writing that says "get the draft out at all costs"; this school reaches an apex with NaNoWriMo, in which you are expected to write a lousy, too-short draft you will clean up later.
Me, I do a lot of editing on the way. When I'm re-reading a chapter to figure out if they mentioned the dingus and what the fellow's first name was, I also notice where I doubled a word or forgot to close a parenthesis. It seems to work; the grammar checker found very few errors of that type to alert me on.
I also do deeper structural edits. Now, they sound like the sort of thing that should have been caught in the outline and "fixed" then. But things grow organically. So while writing the climax I might think of a cool setting to use, and then I'll go back and plant references in earlier chapters and move some stuff around so the climax can happen there. And while I'm there, it is basically a second or third or fourth pass through the dialog and descriptions that are in that chapter.
Which means I tend to write a fairly clean draft, overall. So when I read the "standard advice" about doing four drafts until it gets good, I have to reflect that, again, is a descriptor of process, not a proscription of universal needs. I don't have to sit down saying, "I am doing a re-write" to be basically accomplishing a re-write.
(Which is sort of the argument I have against the pantser v. outliner battles; neither are the purists they claim to be. They just categorize what they do as falling into a specific pattern. "I wasn't outlining, I was just writing some rough drafts of possible scenes.")
Anyhow, I have it with a beta reader. It may go on from there, even to a native German speaker (who is sure to be horrified at the way "Herr Satz" mangles both languages.) And I'm not intending to do much past react to any complaints those readers might have.
Which sends me on a tiny language rant, a take-that on the kind of phrasebook speak where there is always a single word-for-word translation. I think this is a place invented languages often fall down on.
The closest you can get to a universal "Hi!" in Italian is "Ciao." It can be used at most times of day, and for that matter, for goodbye. But it is somewhat too casual for a good speaker to use with people he doesn't know well.
In my story, the first "Hello" is "Bueno Sera" (It is evening, and he hasn't been introduced to her.) Later, she greets him with "Buongiorno" and he returns with "Salve." (He's being "oddly formal" at that moment.) She also says "Ciao" to a friend.
And that's just Standard Italian; for this book I made no mention that almost every Italian is bilingual, speaking both that and one of the regional dialects so disparate they can be mutually incomprehensible.
I did mention in the book that they speak a regional German in Bavaria, but the only example I gave of Bayern was counting as "Oans, zwoa..." instead of the usual “Eins, zwei, drei.."
So I downloaded Cheetah3D and am getting into making the proper art for the cover. I'm rusty on 3d and on drawing and I'm feeling wiped out by that intensive editing work so I don't expect progress fast. This is really a better time to be dreaming a little. Say, coming up with what to write the next time I'm in a writing place, so I don't have to sit around waiting for the ideas to form.
As of the inevitable re-reading I had to do in checking edits in context and making sure no pages had dropped out in the process, I find myself not unhappy. It isn't exactly what I set out to write. The action does eventually end up just over the top although there is a slow boil in getting there. There isn't a lot of digging but there is an archaeological sensibility that makes it not quite and not just history-based. It is fun how many things from myth and history end up getting referred back to and given connections. And I achieved the "deep dive" into Athens, and it feels sort of right; she had to take a detour for half the book but, at last, I get to really sit down and hang out in Athens.
Can I do this again but do it better? By "better" I mean more focused, with less of a "If this is Tuesday this must be Belgium" approach and more of a single culture being the focus. And less of the oh-so-fun but somewhat extraneous details. And more sustained action. But, more importantly than that, a proper internal/external conflict, with Penny really wrestling with her inner demons (this book the conflict was pretty much, "Hey, wanna be a hero? Why not?") And with a strong antagonist who interacts nicely and who is properly visible to the reader (this one, the antagonists are largely masked, although the big round of edits put them a lot more on stage).
But things changed for me over that last push. New ideas showed up when things were bubbling, and some of the older ideas seem less attractive.
So here's the current line-up:
The transhumanist vampire-werewolf milSF love triangle is not interesting me quite as much at the moment. Maybe it will grow on me.
I'm having strong ideas towards Space Opera. I've talked before of doing a Used Furniture story. And there's the idea of an actual opera, or rather a group of performers...Downside is that I am already far too drawn towards cliche and kitsch and the intersection where make-believe hits reality, and there are too many excuses here. Well, in space opera, really. Like Epic Fantasy, it runs on Fable.
Sort of similar in the used furniture and big Space Opera tropes is a concept I'm calling The Tiki Stars. I'm talking retro-culture at full blast, Rat Pack in space, Moon Zero Two. Thing is this kinda wants to go in a Men's Adventure direction already and then there's the Tiki problem (as someone put it, imagine you are a good Catholic and you get served a beer in a glass shaped like the Virgin Mary.) It would be fun to write but, ugh, I'd probably have to pick a Sad Puppy nom de plume or would be Oh John Ringo No.
Although I've said I'd like to take a break, Fox and Hounds does seem a likely project to tackle next. Yes; I made the commit and all the Athena Fox titles will have fox-things. Starting with The Fox Knows Many Things. My beta reader already tells me she likes it.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Primary edit is done, and as of last word count, came up just slightly to 82 thousand words. I am tempted to edit out 1/4 of the references and words and described stuff. Might pull it down around 70K. But I feel is better to learn from this and do different next time.
Funny. I've heard it said many times research is like an iceberg. You need to know more than what you put on the page. Well, sure, but what I found this time is I have to read so much before I grasp the overall shape, especially of a location I want to set a scene, I've learned far too many details. To get enough of a sense of the ferry to write the basic movements and other key events, I ended up having so many details in my mind that even when I left most of it off the page I still ended up talking way too much about carpets.
Anyhow. Now I've got ProWritingAid fired up and I'm doing line edit. And I've got a bit of a rant stored up.
Not about the software, or that particular process. Sure, it is flagging me for passive voice to hell and gone, because it is designed to edit business presentations and I'm writing archaeology. "Ancient stones were stacked in low rambling walls" is better than, "We stacked the stones," sorry!
Yeah, sure, I changed a couple. "They forged it..." was stronger in the particular circumstance than "It was forged...," for instance.
This is also work I can't take to the cafe, because I need the full laptop with internet connection. The software uses an online brain. And I need to have a web browser to check on things like the use of the ellipses in written dialog (the sort of thing that, as useful as Strunck & White is, it doesn't cover.)
No, my rant is on something about editing.
Here it is. You go anywhere where advice is given to writers, they all say "Pay a human editor." I basically agree with this. Hell, even in my specific circumstances I'm pretty sure they are right. A human editor is worth that much to your career (for this book, it doesn't make financial sense, but if for some reason it does get eyeballs then I am tainting my readership if the editing is obviously lacking.)
But here's the thing. These same advice-givers point out that an editor will catch "all those mistakes" in tense, point of view, plot holes, character names changing midway through the manuscript, misspelled words and common substitutions.
And this is where I part company. No, seriously. You are going to write a NOVEL, from 60 to 120 thousand words, and you don't understand verb tenses? You don't understand POV? You haven't figured out that when a red squiggle appears under a word in the software you are using, it means you may want to look at the spelling?
You know, really? I don't believe it. Not at entry level. Up at the leader level, a book goes through a professional line editor who sends back a marked proof and the writer then spends months going through every passive voice or cliche or dangling participle that editor has flagged to decide whether the needs of the story are great enough to break the rule of grammar here.
These are structural insights software can't make, though. At best, software can flag everything that fails a small number of rules doggedly applied. I mean, I've got a line that contains "...kind of weird..." and the software I'm using thinks it should be "a kind" or "the kind." Grammatically correct, just not idiomatic. When I wrote that something had happened in the eighteenth century, it insisted it should be hyphenated, because of course I had to have mean AN "eighteenth-century" NOUN.
This is the kind of thing a well-paid human does. And the entire industry is having more and more trouble coming up with those people. It is getting to the point where editing is unaffordable. Daily newspapers gave up the battle a while ago, at least my eye tells me every time I run into another front page typo.
Which means a book that is earning in the tens of thousands. Has to be. For both the publisher and the writer to be able to afford the services and the time to have those details discussions about whether that specific error is one up with which they shall not put.
At the Kindle level? People are getting lifetime sales in the low hundreds. It doesn't make financial sense to do that kind of editing.
And, also, honestly? The people who are pushing a book out on Kindle and who don't understand how POV works...well, they've got bigger problems. The whole system has a basic flaw, really. The old gatekeeper scheme had problems but it did mean writers were kept in the trenches until they'd figured out the difference between First Person and Third Person and how to change viewpoint characters smoothly.
(If I might direct your attention -- I read the first two books out of a ten book series, and as of a sample chapter of book six or so the author was still head-hopping. But at least by book six he'd figured out what point of view was.)
Funny. I've heard it said many times research is like an iceberg. You need to know more than what you put on the page. Well, sure, but what I found this time is I have to read so much before I grasp the overall shape, especially of a location I want to set a scene, I've learned far too many details. To get enough of a sense of the ferry to write the basic movements and other key events, I ended up having so many details in my mind that even when I left most of it off the page I still ended up talking way too much about carpets.
Anyhow. Now I've got ProWritingAid fired up and I'm doing line edit. And I've got a bit of a rant stored up.
Not about the software, or that particular process. Sure, it is flagging me for passive voice to hell and gone, because it is designed to edit business presentations and I'm writing archaeology. "Ancient stones were stacked in low rambling walls" is better than, "We stacked the stones," sorry!
Yeah, sure, I changed a couple. "They forged it..." was stronger in the particular circumstance than "It was forged...," for instance.
This is also work I can't take to the cafe, because I need the full laptop with internet connection. The software uses an online brain. And I need to have a web browser to check on things like the use of the ellipses in written dialog (the sort of thing that, as useful as Strunck & White is, it doesn't cover.)
No, my rant is on something about editing.
Here it is. You go anywhere where advice is given to writers, they all say "Pay a human editor." I basically agree with this. Hell, even in my specific circumstances I'm pretty sure they are right. A human editor is worth that much to your career (for this book, it doesn't make financial sense, but if for some reason it does get eyeballs then I am tainting my readership if the editing is obviously lacking.)
But here's the thing. These same advice-givers point out that an editor will catch "all those mistakes" in tense, point of view, plot holes, character names changing midway through the manuscript, misspelled words and common substitutions.
And this is where I part company. No, seriously. You are going to write a NOVEL, from 60 to 120 thousand words, and you don't understand verb tenses? You don't understand POV? You haven't figured out that when a red squiggle appears under a word in the software you are using, it means you may want to look at the spelling?
You know, really? I don't believe it. Not at entry level. Up at the leader level, a book goes through a professional line editor who sends back a marked proof and the writer then spends months going through every passive voice or cliche or dangling participle that editor has flagged to decide whether the needs of the story are great enough to break the rule of grammar here.
These are structural insights software can't make, though. At best, software can flag everything that fails a small number of rules doggedly applied. I mean, I've got a line that contains "...kind of weird..." and the software I'm using thinks it should be "a kind" or "the kind." Grammatically correct, just not idiomatic. When I wrote that something had happened in the eighteenth century, it insisted it should be hyphenated, because of course I had to have mean AN "eighteenth-century" NOUN.
This is the kind of thing a well-paid human does. And the entire industry is having more and more trouble coming up with those people. It is getting to the point where editing is unaffordable. Daily newspapers gave up the battle a while ago, at least my eye tells me every time I run into another front page typo.
Which means a book that is earning in the tens of thousands. Has to be. For both the publisher and the writer to be able to afford the services and the time to have those details discussions about whether that specific error is one up with which they shall not put.
At the Kindle level? People are getting lifetime sales in the low hundreds. It doesn't make financial sense to do that kind of editing.
And, also, honestly? The people who are pushing a book out on Kindle and who don't understand how POV works...well, they've got bigger problems. The whole system has a basic flaw, really. The old gatekeeper scheme had problems but it did mean writers were kept in the trenches until they'd figured out the difference between First Person and Third Person and how to change viewpoint characters smoothly.
(If I might direct your attention -- I read the first two books out of a ten book series, and as of a sample chapter of book six or so the author was still head-hopping. But at least by book six he'd figured out what point of view was.)
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Rocket's Shadow
Yeah, so some of the numerics are useful but that tool is so completely oriented towards trying to be top dog of the Amazon heap by gaming the keywords. How about displaying the middle of the road, bulk sales instead of concentrating on trying to outsell Stephen King and James Patterson?
That and it didn't really help me figure out categories, which was my first question. But I looked at a whole bunch of titles and I have a little more sense of what is being written (and selling).
And, oh boy, feeling newly inadequate. Also intrigued. As in, I picked up over a dozen sample chapters from novels that just seemed so interesting. That's our new data world, right there. I have tens of hours of YouTube videos saved to History that looked interesting enough to bookmark but I didn't have time to watch yet...
And oh yeah. Finished the Car Ferry chapter. After almost two weeks of reviewing the flow of the novel I finally figured out what I could do there and, more importantly, what I couldn't. Sigh. Once again a wonderful setting for some crazy action and it didn't fit the flow of the story.
I also reviewed the chapter at the National Museum and I'm not going to change it. I guess. I had the idea of taking a longer time to talk about the history of the Greek people and break it up and make it a little less dry by wandering around the exhibits at the museum. Yeah, and snogging with Markos. But in the end it is about flow of the story and there's enough words there already.
Two of the things I had to do in the Car Ferry revision was explain one of the bad guys a little more. So the main edit from this point is to pick up on that; make sure I'm giving the right part of the revelations in the moment just before the bomb goes off and when he's got his rifle out on Scorpion Island. Yeah, it gets a little less visiting museums and a little more action movie towards the end there.
Those two weeks were not just wool gathering. I re-read, reviewed, and did a lot of little edits. So there's less left. I think I can move on to doing a grammar pass this weekend and by Monday ready to work on the cover.
I'm also re-thinking hiring a professional cover person. The other thing I've been doing with my keyword searching is looking at covers. And, yeah, I'm still on the fence. Enceladus Calyx is so left field that -- assuming it is category and keyword placed so as to be obviously a suspense book with history/archaeology elements -- the weirdness of the title might grab some eyeballs. There are way too many same-looking titles out there already.
Still, I can't help coming back to The Fox Knows Many Things. The main arguments I had against it, I'm pretty much over. Well, that's next week.
The next one, I'm doing in eight months. Just have to plan a plan to constrain the variables a little. After all...the hard lifting is done now.
That and it didn't really help me figure out categories, which was my first question. But I looked at a whole bunch of titles and I have a little more sense of what is being written (and selling).
And, oh boy, feeling newly inadequate. Also intrigued. As in, I picked up over a dozen sample chapters from novels that just seemed so interesting. That's our new data world, right there. I have tens of hours of YouTube videos saved to History that looked interesting enough to bookmark but I didn't have time to watch yet...
And oh yeah. Finished the Car Ferry chapter. After almost two weeks of reviewing the flow of the novel I finally figured out what I could do there and, more importantly, what I couldn't. Sigh. Once again a wonderful setting for some crazy action and it didn't fit the flow of the story.
I also reviewed the chapter at the National Museum and I'm not going to change it. I guess. I had the idea of taking a longer time to talk about the history of the Greek people and break it up and make it a little less dry by wandering around the exhibits at the museum. Yeah, and snogging with Markos. But in the end it is about flow of the story and there's enough words there already.
Two of the things I had to do in the Car Ferry revision was explain one of the bad guys a little more. So the main edit from this point is to pick up on that; make sure I'm giving the right part of the revelations in the moment just before the bomb goes off and when he's got his rifle out on Scorpion Island. Yeah, it gets a little less visiting museums and a little more action movie towards the end there.
Those two weeks were not just wool gathering. I re-read, reviewed, and did a lot of little edits. So there's less left. I think I can move on to doing a grammar pass this weekend and by Monday ready to work on the cover.
I'm also re-thinking hiring a professional cover person. The other thing I've been doing with my keyword searching is looking at covers. And, yeah, I'm still on the fence. Enceladus Calyx is so left field that -- assuming it is category and keyword placed so as to be obviously a suspense book with history/archaeology elements -- the weirdness of the title might grab some eyeballs. There are way too many same-looking titles out there already.
Still, I can't help coming back to The Fox Knows Many Things. The main arguments I had against it, I'm pretty much over. Well, that's next week.
The next one, I'm doing in eight months. Just have to plan a plan to constrain the variables a little. After all...the hard lifting is done now.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Rocket's Red Glare
Wrote one scene in the troublesome chapter. Two or three more to go. My questions keep expanding, though. They expanded right up into the "what is this novel about anyway" zone.
So I stopped and picked up a copy of PublisherRocket to see if it could give me a sense of Kindle categories and keywords and where my book seems to fit.
Well. Is good to know that what I think of as "Regional Mysteries" are still going strong. And actually a lot of more adventure/thriller oriented ones. That is, this is like the Tony Hillerman books, or (to a certain extent) the Spencer books; places where a specific environment/region is a major character. Florida Keys, for instance, in the books I saw in my category browsing.
I know from my own searches there are a bunch of archaeology-themed thriller things. Sometimes teams, more often series around a named character. Which is where I was intending to stage. I wrote this book as more an origin story than a stand-alone.
After poking around a little in Rocket I'm starting to see some numbers for archaeology adventures as well as travel adventure fiction (somewhat less common but also less defined). There seem, oddly, fewer Lara Croft clones than I had remembered from my own browsing. But that's probably good. The closest analog is probably the Amelia Peabody mysteries, which are a bit cozy, and also historical, but have a strong interest in archaeology and history.
Rocket is designed for gaming the system, especially gaming the search and display algorithms at Amazon. The strategy it suggest and is optimized for is not to find what is popular, but to discover what keyword or category searches seem underserved. It basically compares the number of people looking for increasingly specific things versus how many copies end up getting sold.
Well, I feel a little more educated now. I don't quite feel like I got my money's worth out of the software. I also feel I've spent long enough trying to re-write this chapter and -- after spending most of this rare productive evening re-reading all the surrounding chapters -- it may be better to skim over it or basically leave it out entirely.
So I stopped and picked up a copy of PublisherRocket to see if it could give me a sense of Kindle categories and keywords and where my book seems to fit.
Well. Is good to know that what I think of as "Regional Mysteries" are still going strong. And actually a lot of more adventure/thriller oriented ones. That is, this is like the Tony Hillerman books, or (to a certain extent) the Spencer books; places where a specific environment/region is a major character. Florida Keys, for instance, in the books I saw in my category browsing.
I know from my own searches there are a bunch of archaeology-themed thriller things. Sometimes teams, more often series around a named character. Which is where I was intending to stage. I wrote this book as more an origin story than a stand-alone.
After poking around a little in Rocket I'm starting to see some numbers for archaeology adventures as well as travel adventure fiction (somewhat less common but also less defined). There seem, oddly, fewer Lara Croft clones than I had remembered from my own browsing. But that's probably good. The closest analog is probably the Amelia Peabody mysteries, which are a bit cozy, and also historical, but have a strong interest in archaeology and history.
Rocket is designed for gaming the system, especially gaming the search and display algorithms at Amazon. The strategy it suggest and is optimized for is not to find what is popular, but to discover what keyword or category searches seem underserved. It basically compares the number of people looking for increasingly specific things versus how many copies end up getting sold.
Well, I feel a little more educated now. I don't quite feel like I got my money's worth out of the software. I also feel I've spent long enough trying to re-write this chapter and -- after spending most of this rare productive evening re-reading all the surrounding chapters -- it may be better to skim over it or basically leave it out entirely.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Still haven't finished the boat scene and it is really starting to get to me. I want this novel edited and on to beta readers, polish edit, and cover.
Partly I'm dead in the water because I'm personally under the weather. Again. I'm shivering with fatigue right now and my concentration is barely up to the level of a blog post. And too many of my hours need to go towards catching up at work.
And I'm being too conscious of plot holes. This is a scene where I might be able to explain how my convenient antagonist is able to be so convenient. The timing is really tricky, though.
That, and every time I think about how he works and what clues I need to drop for my protag to pick up, I am tempted to rewrite the other scenes in which he acts. Done so already; this is one of the big structural elements this edit is about, after all. I've already done a bit to move the first antag, the "dragon" character, to a better visibility where his goals actually sort of make sense to the reader. And I'll have no problems moving around the few tiny plants for the final boss. But this guy...he's an ongoing problem.
Not helped by the fact that he has no lines, he never gets named, and in the majority of the scenes in which he appears my protagonist either doesn't see him or doesn't realize she's looking at him.
Yeah, and the boat scene has a couple of other issues. One that is bugging me more and more is I conceived it -- heck, I thought of putting it in the book at all -- because I was going to base it on the boat I took from Piraeus to Iraklion. Well, it is really hard to figure out just what kind of boat actually leaves from Venezia (most tourists doing the Italy-to-Greece route go out of Ancona and most also stop off at Igoumenitsa before going on to Patras.)
The actual line is only interested in selling tickets, and the little bits of data they can provide are strictly for upcoming trips. Since I'm setting this story in the shoulder season, I had to work fast and pick up the reservation data. The only videos I've found seem to be from mid-season, as well.
But with all that said, the chance is great that these are bigger, fancier, newer ships than the one I was on, and more of a tourist crowd (there were a lot of working class riders on the one I was on).
So change it or not? I don't know.
And, yeah, the emotional arcs and the necessary character evolution through this sequence is also still a little weird. I think I know what I need to know but it is still proving hard to fit it all in.
Did I mention I still find this character hard to work with? She's so energetic, and relentlessly upbeat. The first was a consequence of having someone in their early 20's who knew a ton of history and also had an acting background and did video. The second just sort of happened; started from being all excited about being in a historical place (the Acropolis) and then the plot required she do a fast rebound from her first "accident" and basically this is a person who rarely mopes, moans, beats herself up over her mistakes, or fears what is ahead.
I had a much easier time writing for Samantha Nishimura, also First-Person, although I took her in different ways than the game she had appeared in. She had great mood swings, up and down -- and swore constantly through it.
I think, now that I've been working with it through the length of a novel, that one of the tools Third Person gives you is the ability to draw the camera back a little ways when you need to give the reader more of a cool assessment. Third Person gives you that ability to control how close the narrative understanding is to the character understanding, and it can change from moment to moment.
First Person, on the other hand, is always in the moment. Everything gets filtered through their eyes. The only equivalent tool with First Person is you can let them draw back a little with an emotional distance, more visibly telling the story to the reader and less experiencing the story as it happens.
Partly I'm dead in the water because I'm personally under the weather. Again. I'm shivering with fatigue right now and my concentration is barely up to the level of a blog post. And too many of my hours need to go towards catching up at work.
And I'm being too conscious of plot holes. This is a scene where I might be able to explain how my convenient antagonist is able to be so convenient. The timing is really tricky, though.
That, and every time I think about how he works and what clues I need to drop for my protag to pick up, I am tempted to rewrite the other scenes in which he acts. Done so already; this is one of the big structural elements this edit is about, after all. I've already done a bit to move the first antag, the "dragon" character, to a better visibility where his goals actually sort of make sense to the reader. And I'll have no problems moving around the few tiny plants for the final boss. But this guy...he's an ongoing problem.
Not helped by the fact that he has no lines, he never gets named, and in the majority of the scenes in which he appears my protagonist either doesn't see him or doesn't realize she's looking at him.
Yeah, and the boat scene has a couple of other issues. One that is bugging me more and more is I conceived it -- heck, I thought of putting it in the book at all -- because I was going to base it on the boat I took from Piraeus to Iraklion. Well, it is really hard to figure out just what kind of boat actually leaves from Venezia (most tourists doing the Italy-to-Greece route go out of Ancona and most also stop off at Igoumenitsa before going on to Patras.)
The actual line is only interested in selling tickets, and the little bits of data they can provide are strictly for upcoming trips. Since I'm setting this story in the shoulder season, I had to work fast and pick up the reservation data. The only videos I've found seem to be from mid-season, as well.
But with all that said, the chance is great that these are bigger, fancier, newer ships than the one I was on, and more of a tourist crowd (there were a lot of working class riders on the one I was on).
So change it or not? I don't know.
And, yeah, the emotional arcs and the necessary character evolution through this sequence is also still a little weird. I think I know what I need to know but it is still proving hard to fit it all in.
Did I mention I still find this character hard to work with? She's so energetic, and relentlessly upbeat. The first was a consequence of having someone in their early 20's who knew a ton of history and also had an acting background and did video. The second just sort of happened; started from being all excited about being in a historical place (the Acropolis) and then the plot required she do a fast rebound from her first "accident" and basically this is a person who rarely mopes, moans, beats herself up over her mistakes, or fears what is ahead.
I had a much easier time writing for Samantha Nishimura, also First-Person, although I took her in different ways than the game she had appeared in. She had great mood swings, up and down -- and swore constantly through it.
I think, now that I've been working with it through the length of a novel, that one of the tools Third Person gives you is the ability to draw the camera back a little ways when you need to give the reader more of a cool assessment. Third Person gives you that ability to control how close the narrative understanding is to the character understanding, and it can change from moment to moment.
First Person, on the other hand, is always in the moment. Everything gets filtered through their eyes. The only equivalent tool with First Person is you can let them draw back a little with an emotional distance, more visibly telling the story to the reader and less experiencing the story as it happens.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
So I'm troubled about the subject of the next book in the series. I'm worried about appropriation.
Actually, there's a bigger problem I have with that particular setting. This is a series that cares about language, that talks about language. In the one I'm editing now there's business about the difference between "Standard German" and Bayern, the dialect of Bavaria. And there's a plot point about a guy who speaks a sort of mock High German but whose actual linguistic roots are from the North.
Well, the next book is London. And the problem with the UK? They speak English.
So I was able to do language games in the current book because it mostly came across in small snippets, or in, "They said something in German," or as slightly mangled syntax within English, "And do not the phone in the back pocket."
Having a book set largely in London means that there is multiple dialog in the actual dialect being spoken. Just doing RP (aka "BBC English") is bad enough. I've heard enough of it, and I can look up a lot of the word choices; boot versus trunk sorts of things. But I don't think I can do extensive dialog that is convincing and accurate.
Well, no-one can. The Brits are famous about picking faults in other people's attempts to do, well, anything right; English accents, English dialects, English life, Anglo-Saxon Attitudes (sorry -- Looking Glass reference.)
The idea after that is worse, though. See, part of the game here is writing from what I know, and that includes using places I know when possible. Of course I only spent two days in Athens (although longer in Greece) and my trip through lower Germany was a decade ago. Still, it seemed an archaeological plot I could work with; do something with the Dorian Invasion theory wrapped around an antiquities smuggling plot and I'd have excuses to set scenes in Athens and parts of Germany I'd actually been to (Frankfurt, Bad Münster, and Munich although I only saw the train station there.) Of course I ended up with a whole sequence in and around Venice but oh well.
So I've also been in London, Paris, Tokyo, and Berlin. Also Bangkok (briefly), Kyoto (over a week), Salzburg (a day), and a bit of the states, too.
So Japan is an obvious one. I've read pretty extensively on modern Japanese culture (well, post-war). But why does that feel so much more like appropriation?
Maybe because it isn't considered as bad to make fun of Germans? But I have Italian and especially Greek culture right up there. I mean, at the climax I've got a piece of Greek cultural heritage being rescued by an American. It's pretty appropriating, and that's before we get to suggestions that she might have been chosen by Athena for this role. (Which is one of several good reasons why I downplayed that angle as much as possible).
I read a lot. I especially read at forums where native Greeks react in their own words to what other people think of their world and their people. And I was careful to create a variety of Greeks, so there is never one person saying, "Let me tell you about my people." Instead there are six people arguing, and half of them don't give a hoot for the opinions of the outsider.
And, well, it certainly gets done. Out of all the things I think I've learned, it is that Greeks are very, very familiar with people appropriating their culture. I think I have one character pointing out it's been going on since the Romans (don't know if that line survived the edit, though).
It just feels worse to be doing Japan. Maybe because there is a longer history of such cringe-worthy appropriation. And of course the nature of this series is deep dive. Although I could breeze through Italy with just surface impressions, I had to go into the lived experience of being Athenian, from politics to racism to economics to history to language.
Japan would be the same. Even as I'm contemplating having a companion for that adventure who is a total weaboo, it isn't going to sit at a surface level. And maybe that's where it starts to get acceptable in my mind. Two things, really; one is that I will be visibly making the effort to get below the shiny surface of anime and yakuza, samurai and salarimen. The other is -- if I can communicate it -- that the Japanese are very conscious of role-play and surfaces. That the surface ephemera is to them also artificial, though not necessarily as alien.
I also really want to get into post-war Japan, and the Takarazuka, and other stuff that's, well, old-people stuff. Sigh. I had that happen already. My protagonist is in her early twenties and is not shy and nerdy. The first book, though, was about her getting her travel legs, becoming the "globe trotting" part of the adventurer archetype she is growing into, and travel at that level is weighted towards being an old person's game.
I guess that's another reason the current scene had me blocked for so long. She's at the bar on a car ferry and although my feeling is a number of the passengers are guest workers or the families thereof, (aka people visiting across the distances modern economies have forced on so many families), the people up in the bar with spending money and leisure time are going to be experienced travelers. Meaning mostly retirees. That's what I've seen across my own travel. Yes, there are backpackers and Instagrammers and all that, but generally people travel for pleasure after they've become financial stable.
Once again, my young woman is having to hang out with old people and do old people stuff. Or is that a culturally appropriating thought, too?
Actually, there's a bigger problem I have with that particular setting. This is a series that cares about language, that talks about language. In the one I'm editing now there's business about the difference between "Standard German" and Bayern, the dialect of Bavaria. And there's a plot point about a guy who speaks a sort of mock High German but whose actual linguistic roots are from the North.
Well, the next book is London. And the problem with the UK? They speak English.
So I was able to do language games in the current book because it mostly came across in small snippets, or in, "They said something in German," or as slightly mangled syntax within English, "And do not the phone in the back pocket."
Having a book set largely in London means that there is multiple dialog in the actual dialect being spoken. Just doing RP (aka "BBC English") is bad enough. I've heard enough of it, and I can look up a lot of the word choices; boot versus trunk sorts of things. But I don't think I can do extensive dialog that is convincing and accurate.
Well, no-one can. The Brits are famous about picking faults in other people's attempts to do, well, anything right; English accents, English dialects, English life, Anglo-Saxon Attitudes (sorry -- Looking Glass reference.)
The idea after that is worse, though. See, part of the game here is writing from what I know, and that includes using places I know when possible. Of course I only spent two days in Athens (although longer in Greece) and my trip through lower Germany was a decade ago. Still, it seemed an archaeological plot I could work with; do something with the Dorian Invasion theory wrapped around an antiquities smuggling plot and I'd have excuses to set scenes in Athens and parts of Germany I'd actually been to (Frankfurt, Bad Münster, and Munich although I only saw the train station there.) Of course I ended up with a whole sequence in and around Venice but oh well.
So I've also been in London, Paris, Tokyo, and Berlin. Also Bangkok (briefly), Kyoto (over a week), Salzburg (a day), and a bit of the states, too.
So Japan is an obvious one. I've read pretty extensively on modern Japanese culture (well, post-war). But why does that feel so much more like appropriation?
Maybe because it isn't considered as bad to make fun of Germans? But I have Italian and especially Greek culture right up there. I mean, at the climax I've got a piece of Greek cultural heritage being rescued by an American. It's pretty appropriating, and that's before we get to suggestions that she might have been chosen by Athena for this role. (Which is one of several good reasons why I downplayed that angle as much as possible).
I read a lot. I especially read at forums where native Greeks react in their own words to what other people think of their world and their people. And I was careful to create a variety of Greeks, so there is never one person saying, "Let me tell you about my people." Instead there are six people arguing, and half of them don't give a hoot for the opinions of the outsider.
And, well, it certainly gets done. Out of all the things I think I've learned, it is that Greeks are very, very familiar with people appropriating their culture. I think I have one character pointing out it's been going on since the Romans (don't know if that line survived the edit, though).
It just feels worse to be doing Japan. Maybe because there is a longer history of such cringe-worthy appropriation. And of course the nature of this series is deep dive. Although I could breeze through Italy with just surface impressions, I had to go into the lived experience of being Athenian, from politics to racism to economics to history to language.
Japan would be the same. Even as I'm contemplating having a companion for that adventure who is a total weaboo, it isn't going to sit at a surface level. And maybe that's where it starts to get acceptable in my mind. Two things, really; one is that I will be visibly making the effort to get below the shiny surface of anime and yakuza, samurai and salarimen. The other is -- if I can communicate it -- that the Japanese are very conscious of role-play and surfaces. That the surface ephemera is to them also artificial, though not necessarily as alien.
I also really want to get into post-war Japan, and the Takarazuka, and other stuff that's, well, old-people stuff. Sigh. I had that happen already. My protagonist is in her early twenties and is not shy and nerdy. The first book, though, was about her getting her travel legs, becoming the "globe trotting" part of the adventurer archetype she is growing into, and travel at that level is weighted towards being an old person's game.
I guess that's another reason the current scene had me blocked for so long. She's at the bar on a car ferry and although my feeling is a number of the passengers are guest workers or the families thereof, (aka people visiting across the distances modern economies have forced on so many families), the people up in the bar with spending money and leisure time are going to be experienced travelers. Meaning mostly retirees. That's what I've seen across my own travel. Yes, there are backpackers and Instagrammers and all that, but generally people travel for pleasure after they've become financial stable.
Once again, my young woman is having to hang out with old people and do old people stuff. Or is that a culturally appropriating thought, too?
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Wool gathering

I knew this was the big chapter as far as editing time went. And I shouldn't have been surprised that the reasons I thought it would take a while were not the reasons it did take a while.
This is a stand-alone sequence, a set-piece location. The course of my MC's flight has been the dig in Germany, train and Munich, train and Padua, Venice. And now the car ferry which concludes the side quest.
So, yeah. It is a big boat so a nice complicated set with places to hang out, hide, climb, fight, whatever. It is based on somewhere I spent about twelve hours on. And there's an under-text of The Odyssey and even though he never strayed into the Adriatic (he was all over Sicily, landed in Italy at least once, and might have made it as far as Spain) it is still a great excuse to do some stuff.
So I figured I'd be plotting all sorts of shenanigans. And I did work out some and started to write.
Well, it didn't work.
Fortunately I have a tool in my kit, a tool I'm calling "increasing the size of the boxes." I just kept asking the question above the question, the question that contained the question, until I figured out the character arcs and story arcs and emotional arcs were going in the wrong directions. What I kept trying to do on the boat was wrong for the character and the story.
The thing that really bugged me was going through the weekend -- a time when I can usually sit down at the keyboard and slam a few thousand words of text -- doing nothing but gnawing away at the problem.
So now I know. It isn't perfect. Writing is always a balance of compromises. At one point in the various attempted drafts I had some background about one of my antagonists. Well, it doesn't work here but now I know I need it so I'll need to offload it onto some other scene.
And I've added one more character. Terry, who owns a 32' cabin cruiser and is a very friendly drunk.
To go with (deep breath): Biro, Océane and Phillip, "Spooky," Andreas, Ariadne, Giulio, Signor Nardella, Howard, Dame Dupond, Jim, Vash, Drea, Graham, Doctor Newman, "Herr Satz," Robert, Gerta, Kaylah and her buds, Barker, "Polpetto," Markos, Eric, "Socrates," Demetrius, Georgios, Goku, "Outis," and Diana. In the list of named characters, that is.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Hex and Cat
Found my Carrara 6 installer. It wouldn't install. OS is too new. But it turns out I had only hidden the Carrara 7 install, not actually deleted it. And it has broken fonts. Yes, they have a version 8.5 for a relatively low upgrade price but according to forums it doesn't change the font problem or fix any of the other bugs that have been with the thing since, oh, version 4.
By broken I mean the menus have no words and when text boxes pop up everything, even the buttons, are empty. So I tried anyway. I remember the program fairly well; that's the only reason I put up with it this long. And immediately hit the poor UI design, where everything is hard to see and the control handles are too tiny to grab and every time you miss a text box pops up to remind you that you missed -- a text box warning that needs to be clicked through but can not be disabled.
So that's not happening. Life is too short to suffer utter crap like that program.
Fusion360 would be lovely, but the "lasts forever" annual $50 was cancelled. Thanks, Autodesk. Now it is over $500 a year. And the thing is now so top-heavy and overloaded even the web site comes close to crashing.
So I guess I am going to buy Cheetah3d. It's been coming along. It has gotten more expensive, and it has a little of that too-eager proselytizing among the users and the same weird habit of not actually having a manual. But I've given it a trial spin....and it still beats Carrara.
By broken I mean the menus have no words and when text boxes pop up everything, even the buttons, are empty. So I tried anyway. I remember the program fairly well; that's the only reason I put up with it this long. And immediately hit the poor UI design, where everything is hard to see and the control handles are too tiny to grab and every time you miss a text box pops up to remind you that you missed -- a text box warning that needs to be clicked through but can not be disabled.
So that's not happening. Life is too short to suffer utter crap like that program.
Fusion360 would be lovely, but the "lasts forever" annual $50 was cancelled. Thanks, Autodesk. Now it is over $500 a year. And the thing is now so top-heavy and overloaded even the web site comes close to crashing.
So I guess I am going to buy Cheetah3d. It's been coming along. It has gotten more expensive, and it has a little of that too-eager proselytizing among the users and the same weird habit of not actually having a manual. But I've given it a trial spin....and it still beats Carrara.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Toy boat toy boat
The edited boat scene is coming along. Took a while to get started, longer to figure out my notes and get the timing worked out again.
Was listening to boat sounds on YouTube to get in the mood while re-writing the "waking up in my cabin" scene. There are a lot of those since YouTube got rid of that twenty-minute limit. Ten hours or more continuous background sound for "relaxation, REM, study, sleep." Steam trains through snow storms, libraries with crackling fires, insides of pirate ships, cruise ships, airliners, space ships. And for those with simpler tastes, ten hours of an electric fan.
Then I got the sudden urge to hear the Queen Emeraldas theme again. Which I found. So I'm writing a scene on a boat in a novel largely set in Greece and I'm watching the title song of a show about a space-going pirate ship -- subtitled in Greek.
Oh, yeah. And I've started taking notes on another novel. Someone at Quora was asking about Space Opera and....
Was listening to boat sounds on YouTube to get in the mood while re-writing the "waking up in my cabin" scene. There are a lot of those since YouTube got rid of that twenty-minute limit. Ten hours or more continuous background sound for "relaxation, REM, study, sleep." Steam trains through snow storms, libraries with crackling fires, insides of pirate ships, cruise ships, airliners, space ships. And for those with simpler tastes, ten hours of an electric fan.
Then I got the sudden urge to hear the Queen Emeraldas theme again. Which I found. So I'm writing a scene on a boat in a novel largely set in Greece and I'm watching the title song of a show about a space-going pirate ship -- subtitled in Greek.
Oh, yeah. And I've started taking notes on another novel. Someone at Quora was asking about Space Opera and....
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