Monday, February 11, 2019

Four points define a plane...r

I have this theory that sometimes you just aren't in writing mode and it is time to do music instead. Or you aren't in either, and it is time to build something.

But then I have those times when everything feels right (and there's no time to do any of it.) I finished my problem-solving just in time to go back and hack out revised paragraphs of the Art Gallery Reception scene before the weekend ended. I'm still searching for the character voice, trying to find the right combinations of amusing, informative, self-aware, inexperienced... But at least I'm writing again.

Then when I broke for a grocery run I spotted a girl who was exactly exactly right. Black hair, which was unexpected, but everything from the utilitarian clothes to the not-exactly-flawless complexion to the features was spot-on what would work for my protagonist. Not that I could exactly walk up and take a picture, though. Most of it was in the less-tangible anyhow; body language, attitude, etc.

(Don't really have a term for that particular kind of face. Pixie-like? Sharp jaw, large mouth, wide cheeks...Andromeda's Sara Ryder has that look, but other than that, only strong example that comes to mind is....Gadget Hackwrench!)

Simultaneously, music jumps up. While brushing my teeth this morning I dreamed up a better approach for the Terminator cover which has not been working. Instead of trying to follow the patterns of the original introduction closely, go for the strengths of the instruments I have. And go a lot faster and more energetic. And rather than the bare harmonies of the original, reharmonize to something with more defined changes. The chincello is going to be key on this.

But, yeah, still going with a second verse in a rather different style. And that's going to be tough. Basically it is a jig done with more idiomatic bodhran, guitar, fiddle. And penny whistle and pipes (rather, crumhorn or maybe I'll spend on a chanter) for the melody. But it all sounds good in my head. Time to get it into a MIDI rough and see if it works.

All the work I did with the new (Bach 5C) mouthpiece seems to have helped and I'm stronger on the C above the treble clef. There's a false partial up there (it falls right between pitches) so you have to leap two slots to land on that High C. And worse, the next partial above that is a mere half-tone away.

And then this afternoon a co-worker told me he was going to start bringing his own trumpet. And give me some tips (he plays with a band...big band style, I believe.)

And I'm building. A bit. We have a MiniMax Lab300 at work now and I finally got around to hooking it up and setting the jointer-planer. There was a bunch of leveling and shimming before that all looked right. 

My engineer says he'll have some new stuff to machine in six weeks or so. Good timing, as I'll be mixing a show over that interval. Means it is probably time to talk to and figure out something more sensible than continuing to pay for access over all those months I'm not using it.

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