It is come to my attention that it may be a bit hard to figure out what novel I'm writing at the moment. Well, welcome to the club. I find it a bit much to keep track of myself. So let me try to write things down in some way that makes it easier to keep track of them.
A Conspiracy in Their Islands

First of what is projected to be a trilogy set in and around the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age Collapse. The first book features a young Cretan weaver at the semi-ruined Palace of Knossos (c.f. the Linear B archives), who encounters a visiting Egyptian nobleman and, eventually, the mysterious Sea Peoples.
This is my Honest History Novel and is taking a horrible amount of research and is so overwhelming I've had to put it aside for a month or two while I gather strength.
Day of the Falcon

A fanfiction cross-over of the
Stargate, SG1 and
Tomb Raider worlds. The book that got me interested in archaeology and gave me the courage to start writing actual history. It's fanfiction, meaning it doesn't get published and doesn't earn me anything but the infrequent comment by people who read it on
Currently on hold, even as it is only a few chapters from the conclusion.
Sam I Am

A lighter and fluffier (sort of) fanfiction work, an alternate vision of the 2013
Tomb Raider game that tries to get not quite as crazy and dark as that flawed game. Never got a lot of follows or comments at so I only update it sporadically.
The only real reasons to mention it now is it underlines my continued obsession with the adventurer archaeologist template. Plus some of the character voice I developed for Samantha Nishimura is informing the voice I'm developing for the new, intended-to-be-published (if only on Amazon) novel.
The Enceladus Oinochoe
Atlantis can't possibly be real. But that's okay; Athena Fox isn't a real archaeologist, either.

That's the basic idea for a book that I hope will be quick to write and not so ghastly to research, either. I want to do the Indiana Jones stuff but have fun with it and even deconstruct it.
That's not the real title, either. I'm still fumbling around with concepts. With format, even; I've always wanted to write something about history, and the idea of a YouTube artist who has created an adventure archaeologist character is one that could support more than one novel.
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