Saturday, December 7, 2019

Harry Potter and the Formatted POD

I picked up a Bloomsbury edition -- in London's Heathrow -- of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Not "Sorcerer's," you bloody parochial classics-deprived Yanks!

Sorry. Getting in some practice.

Turns out the POD (Print-On-Demand) publisher I'm using doesn't do pocketbooks. It's been rather a struggle to understand the terminology. Everyone wants to talk about "paperbacks" and "trade paperbacks" and even though they sound like they are talking about the basic, you know, paperback book, they are actually talking about the larger sizes typically used for non-fiction.

In any case, the smallest I can print is the size of that Harry Potter book that's right now sitting on my desk as reference. 5.06" by 7.81", that is.

The eBook is live. I've started on the Amazon Author page and my own WordPress writer page. PDF conversion is done -- painful; there's no way to transfer the minutia of settings in Scrivener so I had to flip back and forth between formats transferring everything manually.

Turns out the mechanics of trim and bleed are pretty simple. Amazon will calculate it for you from your uploaded PDF (333 pages, cream paper, black and white with matte-finish color cover) and generate a to-scale template. Since Gimp is fully WSYWIG, I know anything exported from there will have the correct dpi and all that (just have to remember to collapse all fonts).

And once everything is approved and live, and I have the various social media presence objects properly built, I'll hit the publicity engine with some promotional sales and advertising.

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