Sunday, June 30, 2024

From cheese symphony to rum rhapsody

I seem to have chosen which book to work on first.

Or perhaps it is that this one, I can start outlining now, and outlining is what I want to do. Even while I am continuing to read about NAGPRA and ferric sulfate compounds.

House cleaning continues. I have to get rid of a whole bunch of stuff, and that's time consuming if I don't just want to rent a skip. Been toting books to the local book hutches. Taking electronics to work because we have a robust e-waste recycling process (and some of it is scrap I'd previously rescued from that process in the first place, foul?)

And still mending from surgery. But mended enough so I can go back to work. And take my car in to be worked on. And go to Chicago to watch them burn stuff (that's work-related too; a UL test).


Picked out a listening list. Several CD's worth of Martin Denny, Barry Gray, Lex Baxter, Don Ellis and Juan Carlos Esquivel. A little John Barry, too...but no Don Ho.

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