Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Burning man

There's a bit in Daniel Defoe's A Journal of the Plague Year when a fellow in the madness of a full infection breaks out of his house, runs to the Thames and swims "vigorously" across it before collapsing. And as if it was that exercise that had done it, his fever breaks and he recovers, becoming one of the lucky survivors.

I went and watched the Steiner Tunnel burn at UL in Northbrook, IL. And I was not feeling good. Trapped in an old Prius with bad air conditioning in bumper-to-bumper traffic for over two hours in the sweltering Chicago heat, got dropped off at the Field Museum just five minutes to closing -- so much for seeing Sue. Took a short stroll to look at the lake and was really, really suffering.

Somehow kept on my feet all the way to a Target, bought and drowned water and electrolyte drink turned around.

I started feeling strong, and two days later, I'm still feeling pretty good. Good enough to walk to work today for the first time in a long time.

Now if only I could get back to writing. Have been playing The Outer Worlds for inspiration, and ran Stable Diffusion to create a picture of Yma Sumac with a ray pistol. But still on the first phase of outlining the thing.

Have copies. Well, I did sell one copy of the first book, but the Paris book? Not a single one. The high water mark right now is 129 pages read in Kindle Unlimited, which is at least through Part I (Kindle Unlimited pages are Secret Amazon Math, not actually anything normally displayed as a page).

Not like I was expecting to make money, but I was sort of hoping someone would read the damned thing. Doesn't do anything for my confidence, or my interest in writing another, if they aren't.

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