Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sunday in the Park with Hugo

I finished the monster 6.4 k-word chapter. At least close enough. Made a couple light editing passes but even though several story threads finish there I don't feel like I have to keep tinkering with this one to make the beats properly clear.

On to the "New Mombasa" chapter (a short one) then the big final chapter of the main story. Everything after that is epilogue and wrapping up. (It's going to be a long descending action because there's a visit to the Jules Verne Cafe, a cemetery atop the butte of Montmartre, and the "Workman's Church" of Notre Dame du Travail.)

I've got my cover, I've got my interior graphics -- Scrivener is still being an ass about properly formatting chapter epigraphs -- and I've started reaching out to French translators. So this book may finally be out of my COVID-length hair. Soon.

But doing a quick bit of reading up on night-time Paris. This is another scene that the essential is drawn from personal experience, but there are different beats Penny needs to get out of it. Oh, reminds me. I need to rip "Rain" (from Halo 3: ODST) so I can listen to it without annoying ads every thirty seconds. I have three computers on the desk now, as it is the old laptop I installed the ripper on and it isn't worth messing around with trying to get it onto the M2.

What time the trains stop running. What neighborhoods you can find the crepe stalls at. (Not the Marais. And that was an annoying search. Even on Duck Duck Go it was two pages of "what are the best crepes to buy?" before anyone even mentioned those ubiquitous examples of Parisian street food.)

One of the few good things about working this slow is that I already have most of the climax worked out. 

(I think I may make a point of hitting the Sunday "rush" every time. That cafe almost always has seats anyhow. But having to wait another twenty minutes for food gets even more writing done.)

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