Monday, May 27, 2024


I was just throwing a few notes about Eglise Notre-Dame-du-Travail (the "worker's church" in the 14th arrondissement) into the Scrivener folder so I could work on a scene over brunch. Comments and pictures drawn from Atlas Obscura, Parisian Fields, Sophie's blog, Wikipedia...

The thought crossed my head that I should at least jot down where I read something. Instead of just throwing a bookmark into the rather stuffed folder I have for this novel. Yeah; I was just looking back through those, too. There is a lot of stuff I've been looking up!

I got into several websites about architecture while I was working on the Notre-Dame de Paris chapter. Mostly regarding the gargoyles. Read more of Victor Hugo and a rather long sample (fortunately free, as the book itself is fourteen bucks for Kindle alone) from a very fascinating book about them.

And then there was trying to research one tiny important detail. Can you get to the roof from the high end of one of the flying buttresses?

It wasn't until after I'd written the scene that I got a detailed look of exactly how that bit of architecture is shaped -- in the context of a video shot by two guys who were in the process of climbing up it. Ah, the algorithm will be the death of me. No search was turning up what I needed. But the second or third time I watched a Simon Nogueira video showing off his building-climbing skills, the YouTube algo decided it was going to randomly flash these other guys at me.

I hate the algorithm. It is a lot like writing AI prompts. Ooh, here's a search result showing a picture of this obscure hand tool I've been looking for! Ah, but there's a cat in the picture as well. If I click it, I know which element is going to be weighted higher in the algorithm...

So, anyhow, there's four sequences left to the end of the book. I'm coming in slightly higher than estimated; the climax went 5K and I'm sitting at 70K now, with maybe 5K to finish off. And as much as I tried to decompress, this is still a very dense book, too.

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