Saturday, December 18, 2021

Cognitive Evolution

 I'm reading up about early humans. Realizing just how much work goes into planning out a new fantasy world. Except that this is faster work. Dreaming up shit is so much easier than trying to research.

Oh, but that's where I am right now. Yes, there is a fabulous space after the Toba Eruption; multiple human species, some of them retreating back again from what might have been a global cooling, the development of many of the attributes of recognizably human culture (roughly, the neanderthals had cave painting and flutes and burials but the whole package is probably later).

And today I got a glimpse of what the emotional structure should be for the Paris book. Now that I have admitted it really does need an emotional structure. This can't just be a mystery but I need that inner plot arc as well.

I hit #26 in Travel Adventure Fiction but I am also basically paying people to read the book. Spending about fifteen bucks a day on Amazon advertising and giving away the first book for free. But, hey, yesterday a Kindle Unlimited reader finished off the book in one day and that's money in my pocket there.

I should probably be getting involved at Booksy and Goodreads and all that to gain more publicity. I still have no confidence in my writing, though. Not enough to be that aggressive about getting people to read it.

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