Sunday, November 7, 2021


The waiting game continues. I put down a deposit on a car but it was not ready for pick-up as promise so I am still car-less for another week. My cover artist was kicked off Fiverr and there are things I'd rather not do until I've seen if she intends to return. Kaiser is being stupid about availability of the COVID booster shot and I haven't been able to find an appointment nearer than five miles away.

I also broke down and "purchased" a review at Pubby. So far the Kyoto book has yet to be ordered even once (so if that reviewer turns in a review I will immediately raise a stir at Pubby over that!) I'm reading a cute time-travel story in the meanwhile to get my Pubby points back up.

At least my new shoes finally arrived. Because I expect to do even more walking. Rain included. At least it is only uphill one way.

1 comment:

  1. Kaiser has lots of booster appointments at the Oakland Med Center ... the soonest available today was for Monday the 15th.
