Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Back on the High C's

My trumpet lip is coming back. Finally back to that top C, although it remains tough. (I call it "top C" or "first C above the staff" because trumpet people get weird about the term "double C." Sometimes they mean this one, sometimes they mean an octave above that, and they consider it a sort of false valor if you claim a Double C out of something less impressive.)

The car I looked at in Fremont wasn't, actually, ready to roll out. He said he'd have it ready in the later part of this week. A car in SF had a sale finalizing today and it looks like it did, indeed, sell. And yet another car I heard rumor of is now right next door but they are closing the lot before I can walk back that way from work.

I was also waiting on a review via Pubby and it posted then un-posted. Seeing as the reviewer only got around to purchasing the book that same day, it is plausible Amazon booted it. I still have yet to make a single sale that isn't me or that review trade.

Oddly enough, I still hit top 140 in one of the categories. Currently the 300,000th best all of Kindle. They must be having a slow week.

And trying to build enough hours off to do things like visit the doctor. Haven't gotten there yet. It may be February before I have the time off for a full vacation. From the looks of the world, travel will still be awkward then. Hell, I'm going to need a new passport before we can start flying without a mask on.

Was in the middle of conversation with two cover artists and haven't heard anything from them for days. My original cover artist, after two weeks, seems likely to never return (taking with her the full layered PSD and leaving me with nothing but a single jpg as result of everything I paid her. Fiverr...largely sucks.) I am getting anxious about my sorry covers and dropped twenty bucks on yet another artist to give me some cover concepts. Who hasn't said a single word since accepting the gig.

So basically my life remains in stasis. I've stopped writing. It seems utterly futile.

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