Sunday, October 24, 2021

Can you hear the people sing

Watching Rick Steves and Les Miserables -- but not the one you are thinking; a 2019 film (set in a Paris directly following the 2018 World Cup), but based on an anti-police riot of 2008. Bit of a contrast, as you would imagine! Although Steves does admit Haussmann's avenues were intended to make quelling the next riot easier on the Army.

And my rewrite is not going well. The further I dig into the Yuki-onna sequence, the more problems I have with it. So right now I am completely stuck; unable to move forward with the re-write but unwilling to accept the old version of the scene, either.

I've circled around and around, trying to find a way to fix it. At this point all I can do is basically wait for that insight, that bit of outside information that jogs everything into a pattern I can solve, like the cosmic ray that allowed a record-breaking Mario speed run that one time.

1 comment:

  1. The concept of Haussmann's boulevards being "intended to make quelling riots easier" wasn't much of a thing at the time; and in fact the Paris Commune easily fortified the boulevards against the French army. The army went around the barricades, using the remaining narrow side streets ...
