Sunday, October 13, 2019

Boom, baby

The scenes are finally starting to come quickly. This weekend, I brought it up to the moment when my protagonist is nearly blown up, loses the artifact, and is effectively thrown off the case. This is the blackest moment of the plot.

At 70K. Almost perfect.

The thing that slowed me most was having to do a little charting again of what the bad guys were actually planning and why they ended up where and when they are when my protagonist encounters them. But that gave me some new ideas and out of that I got a hilarious bad-ass moment. What does she do that's clever and daring? She updates her Facebook page!


The big project is finally in. Spent four days in LA -- actually, in Burbank, right next door to Universal -- and that was a strange experience. Kind of nosebleed up there. The client is a wee bit high end, and there was a lot of money riding on the gig, and the thing that brought this home was living out of a hotel room bigger than my apartment and drinking martinis (well, actually just beer -- the rest of the crew had the mixed drinks) on the company tab.

Oh, that and flying JetSuiteX, which is a business-class private airline that uses its own hanger and doesn't play TSA games for two hours before every flight.


The levothyroxine really seems to be helping. This weekend was the worst I've felt since starting it and I still got errands, a little house cleaning, and over a thousand words written. The last three weeks I did so many long days I'm swimming in overtime hours. A very nice paycheck and I've gone and blown a few bucks towards really straightening things up around here. Around my life. A few more weeks of hiking to work and I might even be ready to restart my gym membership.

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