Friday, September 6, 2024

Learning curves...err...Non-Uniform B-Splines...

Learned enough on Sketchup to start working out the floor plan for our new Tool Room. Plus catching up again on Fusion360, where I finally reconstructed a thing for work I'd been getting printed at Shapeways

Tried printing it in ABS for extra strength but my Ender3 isn't handling ABS properly yet. Need an enclosure. Possibly a heated enclosure, and that gets into project creep oh so quickly (like my fancy laser enclosure, which is currently wrapped in plastic on a shipping pallet on a very high shelf).

Also earned a wee bit more about Shotcut so I can animate a basic motion and add some smoke and sparks for a YouTube intro.

Yes, I paid a guy on Fiverr to do an animation for me but as so often on Fiverrrrr he ignored what I'd asked for and did his own thing. Often worth the gamble -- it's cheap, and their ideas could easily be better than mine. Well...not this time.

While I was at it with video and audio, dragged up various free VSTi's and the sample libraries I'd purchased so long ago and started installing them into Reaper on the Mac Mini. Thank Zepherus all this nonsense about passwords is meaningless as long as you have your original email address...

Yes, I'm still trying to cut some game videos.

But my last session in Satisfactory, I got distracted polishing the fruit at the bottom of the bowl...I mean, dressing up the entrance and walkways, adding lighting, and basically making things nice around the front of a Compacted Coal plant deep in the Badlands west of the main desert. Which is not just a place I'll probably never visit again, but is in a playthrough that was entirely to try out some ideas to make my foray into 1.0 a little smoother.

It is really hard not to keep working on that world. That's the game in a beryl nut; addictive.

(Just now I watched a few minutes of the final version 1.0 teaser trailer. Had to stop -- so much exciting stuff, I just want to discover it all as I play. Four days now...)

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