Saturday, August 6, 2022

Dunno much about history

I saw this coming.

The "Hux-cam" worked too well. I tried it out in one scene and I loved what it did for the book. So now I am committed to having more scenes with his voice as he describes turn of the century Paris. The latest is when he goes to hang out with his pal, the "excitable little bullfighter from Barcelona" at the Bateau Lavoir.

That is obviously not from 1900 (Picasso didn't get a studio there until 1904, anyhow, several years after his friend Casamegas took a shot at his girlfriend then a better-aimed one at himself). But it gets the idea across. This is old Montmartre, a shanty that could give Sweethaven a run for its money.

Problem is, I don't know the history. And there is so damn much of it. And this is one of those bits, like Imperial Rome, that gets very well traveled. The chance is extremely my readers will know more than I do.

I am trying to duck this as much as I can but even cribbing and cheating can only get you so far. (Whew...and after searching all last night, I finally found a letter I was looking for in an entirely different, third book; the letter Casamegas wrote home to his family describing his first room in Paris;"...two green chairs, one green armchair, two non-green chairs...")

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