Wednesday, February 9, 2022

SEO, bah

 So I purchased Publisher Rocket and also paid a guy on Fiverr to run search terms. I carefully optimized my Amazon ads, overloading the slots by using searchable phrases.

I checked the history of my ad campaigns this morning, and over the run of everything I did on the first book, the only click-through sales (as in, someone searched, Amazon decided it was worth placing an ad in front of them, they clicked on the ad and a purchase resulted from that click)....

...were for the search phrase "Kindle Book."

Now, I'm not sure about the internal wiring on Amazon. It is possible that someone did indeed search for "Female archaeologist world adventure" or something similar that ticked some of my carefully (and expensively) selected terms. And that landed them on the print book, so when they clicked over to "show me the Kindle version" Amazon somehow took that as meaning "kindle book" was the proximate search term.

The mechanisms are opaque. By design. Amazon doesn't want other people hacking the system. (They do want to hack the system in their own favor -- and given the margins, selling ads to a writer is just as lucrative to them as selling the book to a reader.)

But does that mean I shouldn't block that search term? Because I'm not getting any click-throughs since I added it to my "negative search terms" list.

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