Monday, January 20, 2020

These Rude Mechanicals, who never before now labored in their minds

I've done all the re-writing I can stand. Now is the mechanical work; running the entire thing through ProWritingAid again to catch any new mistakes.

Overall I am happy with that piece of software. It, like several other language tools, leverages an online databased and presumably a learning algorithm. Meaning it has to have an internet connection and it takes it a while to finish scanning a page. Means an edit session takes up most of a day, as there's a significant wait each time a new page is loaded. Which is where I'm finding the time to write this.

(The worst part of this is there is no progress bar. It is finished when it is finished. Many a time I've started editing, only to have new errors belatedly pop in as the algorithms continue to discover them).

But that also means it can handle things that would normally be a flag and laborious check. It recognizes famous names, oft-used quotations, place names, names from history, and foreign words. Some of these are not so easy to look up to verify.

Does mean there's a risk of SpellCheck error. If might have found, for instance, a word in the wrong language and thus failed to flag what is actually a mistake. It seems pretty intelligent about this, though; I've only caught it once or twice trying to fix something unrelated into a song title it thinks it recognizes or something.

Like all good tools, it flags and it lets you decide if you want the correction. The problem I have is that it hates passive tense and always flags it. It also makes some mistakes in dialog punctuation and it also doesn't always pick up idioms that include general-purpose words; I am often finding it marking me for subject-verb agreement on one word out of a compound that is, of course, in proper agreement. So I can't clear all the tags without a lot of extra work.

Fortunately, I'm using it off-line; it recognizes a Scrivener file and will happily open and even save to it, but for safety I aim it at a duplicate and make the actual corrections in the home file.

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