Sunday, September 22, 2019

Dorians with waving plumes

Seriously, are there any easy scenes in this thing?

Okay, sure, there was a scene at a taverna in which the most complicated thing I had to do was describe the sirtaki. And I had to look up the hora because I had forgotten what you called it.

Edited my mad student conversation down to 2,000 words. Finished today a thousand-word draft of the last real thing I'm going to say about the Dorian Invasion. I'm still closing browser tabs on Schliemann and Thule Society and all that.

That's the thing, though. At 500 words a day the research is over-running the writing. I'm in the middle of re-reading a bunch of pages and articles I found several months back so I can get the details right on going to look for a musician in the Electronica scene who is currently living at the abandoned City Plaza Hotel.

And turns out I don't have to totally abandon the airport. A lot of the people at City Plaza came from Ellinikos. And do not remember it fondly. Still a pity I don't get to show it, though, with that glorious palimpsest of refugee camp on top of Olympic Village on top of abandoned airport (which used to be a major USAF base -- they got it from the Luftwaffe).

There's a museum there too, now, to Olympic Airways, that failed state-owned airline that for a time was made magnificent by Aristotle Onassis, whose family is inspiration for the villain of the novel, and who at one time was married to Maria Callas who also got a mention in the novel. Did I mention that in history, everything seems to connect to everything?

Either that or I have too damn much in the thing. One of those upcoming edit passes is going to be a #4 screen. I want to keep the big, important details and dump as much as I can, out.

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