Saturday, July 27, 2019

Badger-1 ready for launch

Woke up and jotted down a bunch of notes for the Transhumanist Future War Love Triangle. There's enough there to fill a book and there are strong enough threads to make decent plot.

When I have a whole bunch of notes come to me at once I use a BBC technique. Might have been the old show As it Happens where I heard this. Anyhow, the newscaster would both preview and recap the top stories with a series of extremely short phrases: "Iranian Election, Space colonized, bees rise up, singularity achieved."

So the first thing I wrote down was; "Bess, Bob, hunger, paperclip, Fermi, Nature vs., Mr. Black.

* * * 

On the actual current novel, I missed a chance to do more method acting-writing. I was sick for a couple of days. My character, I've decided, is going to be sick on the car ferry back to Greece. Sick the entire day. There's not much to look at from the center of a shipping lane anyhow.

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