Friday, April 5, 2024

I am not the iambic pentameter

I finally found a properly detailed map of la Petite Ceinture ca 1900. Yes, it does pass right across the northern part of Parc des Buttes Chaumont. But it doesn't go anywhere near the market of Les Halles so the clue is wrong.

Said clue is also 12 syllables per line. Which shouldn't bother me, since it utterly fails at holding the iamb anyhow.

Oddly, the following was sent in on the company-wide maintenance request form:

The leftmost bathroom has a leaky sink which leaves small puddles on the floor below

Dammit. Okay, the guy that sent it in as a musician, but still, I'm sure it was totally unconscious.

Oh, and la REcyclerie is a good choice for a bit of walkable rail and, in fact, the longest remaining tunnel on the old belt railway extends south from Buttes Chaumont (even if the park itself is a twenty minute walk from where I'm starting the scene.)

But...the Paris Catacombs are way down in the 14th arrondisement. The same place I tracked the other tunnel down leads me to believe that the famous mouse-hole being used by cataphiles for their illegal entry is right by Parc Montsouris. 

Ah, well. I have an easy fix for the scene...this is another mouse-hole, leading to something exciting to the urban explorers but not to her. She can still describe the catacombs if she wants to. Les Halles...I'm just gonna have to ignore. I have too many completed scenes already that I'd have to edit, and I'm trying to write now, not rewrite!


I know that's not iambic, more of a dactyl. Still wonderful especially for being unintentional.


I just this moment found out the correct term for those mouse holes. The cataphiles call them “châtières”

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