Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Through the night with the light from a frog

 Another atmospheric river hit, along with a flood of air — high winds that knocked out power over the whole city. I’m writing now on iPhone with a bluetooth keyboard, as unless I share connection the laptop and its 64% of remaining battery I can’t get online with that.

For light I have an Afrog reading light with a rechargeable battery. And appropriately, I am working on the Paris novel on the laptop as I write this. I’m running the gas stove to try and get a little heat here (the thermometer is also reading 64) and heat up a little rice-noodle soup.

I’ve almost forgotten how to cook without microwave and electric kettle (something I went out and bought after learning about them during research on the London novel).

Oddly enough, my last play session in Satisfactory was chasing down a power issue that had brought down my grid. Either something hadn’t loaded right from the saved game or something changed in a patch, but it wasn’t until I deleted the main fuel line from my refineries to my row of gas-fired generators and rebuilt it that it all worked again.

But then, Satisfactory is still on early access. So a few bugs are to be expected.

And just as well the real-world power is still off. Because otherwise my gaming PC would probably be on as I worked on my new “Tower of Power” mega-structure until far too late in the evening.

The only thing keeping me up tonight is hoping that either that gas stove or a return of electrical power will get my room to the point where I’m not up half the night shivering. Low circulation sucks when it is your own body, too. My feet start hurting at temperatures a Minnesotan would call balmy.

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