Friday, February 19, 2021

I'm scared to even mention it

 Woke up Tuesday with the pain gone. And it hasn't been back yet.

Experience says it will, tells me not to be hopeful but I can't help it. Because how I feel now is what should be normal.

I have to be how I am now, with just the usual stiffness and aches of being over half my expected lifespan, to really understand that waking up so stiff and in such pain it takes me up to an hour to crawl out of bed, to being so sleepy after lunch it is physically painful -- so much I sometimes have to lie on the floor -- to be out of breath just trying to walk across the campus.

Now I can (and have been) doing light calisthenics twice a day. My concentration has been good, and I've been making progress on work projects and on personal projects.

Which includes finishing up Part II of A Fox's Wedding. That brings it to about 40K and nicely past the projected half-way point. And, yes, I am going to need some serious re-writes. It kills me how many of the techniques of writing I forget when actually writing. It wasn't until yesterday I thought of applying MICE to the story (not the creatures who adorn to tremendously cute Otoya Shrine off the Philosopher's Walk. but Milieu, Character...and I've forgotten how it goes again.)

One piece of advice still holds. Finish the draft, then go back and see what it has, what should be focused on and what should be dropped. 

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