Thursday, June 18, 2020

My poor Krell

Two steps forwards, one step back.

I figured out the basics of how the Goldeneye N64 scene should work. And decided the way I'd resolved the Eiger Sanction bit didn't.

Fortunately I'm getting better and better at changing the whole thrust of a scene while keeping bulk of the work. Basically, I'm getting faster at knocking out raw prose and I'm not in such a love of my words I feel I have to keep the original draft. So I can throw out an entire dialog exchange and, using what I learned in writing the previous one, whip out a completely new one in almost no time.

I hate to agree with the "rough draft at any cost" crowd, but having something on paper, anything at all, does make it easier to work out the wrinkles.

So, yeah, I've got skullduggery in the control room. And Control Room A is pretty wild:

That's the 1930's one; construction started n 1927, they started generating power in 1934 and tidied up until 1935. They spent money lavishly on this side; it was all designed to let important visitors stroll around admiring the "Temple of Power" (yes, they called it that).

And I was so careful to set things up so my characters infiltrate through to Station A. But even though they weren't able to finish Station B until after the war, spent a lot less money, and had to "make do" with stainless steel. this is what they ended up with for Control Room B:

And that's the one that looks like a set from Forbidden Planet. Also easier to describe, and could make for more convenient blocking (that is, arranging the not-really-a-fight scene.)

Well, I think I've already bollixed up enough of my description. I'm using the excuse that the building was changing almost daily once the reconstruction started, and I'm selectively drawing elements across a span of a couple of years, anyhow. But that doesn't excuse that I am really not sure what the turbine hall looked like. For all the time people have been writing about this place, getting complete descriptions is tough.

Well, I'm also thinking of going wild with The White Room. Somewhere, if you read the right trade magazines or knew the architects, you could get the correct story on the mock-up of a luxury suite that was constructed some time between 2008 and 2012. As of 2016, it was apparently one of those rumored grail-like objects among the roof and tunnel crowd. And almost certainly less spectacular in reality than it is in the stories.

Well, I'm thinking of doing something a lot wackier. A modern Art Deco, probably, although Spaceship Cabin is mildly attractive, especially with a Diesel Punk flavor. Thing is, it all depends on how the Control Room scene arc works out. It may be that the chapter will end there instead and we'll never see the White Room. White or not.

(There's a running gag in the Nine Elms Station dig about the Green tiles which are mostly white. You take your fun where you can find it.)


And I'm already wiped out after recovering from sick and pulling a full day at work in the heat. I'm glad tomorrow is a half day.

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