Friday, May 24, 2019

Time Machine

I just leafed through some old blog posts. A long-time blog is like a diary. A looking glass into a different time. A different time in which you were a different you; like the man said, you can never step twice into the same river (unless you are very fast).

November of 2014 I lost a position of nearly ten years, ending an association of over twenty years with a theatre I still miss. It still hurts. I will never forgive them (especially as I wasn't the only person who was abused, insulted, lied to, and eventually cheated.)

Followed by a year of craziness that was both very tough and in a strange way invigorating. Like boot camp (which I've also been through -- don't know if I've openly admitted that in the blog but yes I spent three years in the Army. Also went through Jump School, which is a whole story to itself.) I worked some very interesting shows, I worked some crazy long hours, and I barely kept my financial head above water.

And then found the second only job I've ever found by answering an ad (most of my jobs for most of my life, they called me. Well, actually, these guys called me, too. I sent in a resume and after I'd all but forgotten it they gave me an offer for a different position.)

It's been different. It's been exciting. And sometimes boring, and exhausting, but rarely frustrating. I get more trust and more support than I had in most of my time in theatre. And a hell of a lot more money (well, maybe not quite that much more, but getting full benefits sure makes a difference).

Through all this time...through the life of this blog...I've been doing three things. On shorter time scales I may seem to have given up one or two, but the reality is all three continue. Only the proportion changes.

Writing, building, music.

And theatre. But theatre was never a side activity. It was what I made a living at. Now I do it the way someone who isn't a mover will still help a friend move. I do a little theatre for people I made promises to. November 2014 was when it ended. That was the last time I could say theatre was my career.

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