Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Blooming 'ell!

I'm struggling through Scene Two but I keep stopping to jot down notes for....the second book.

Graham is really growing on me. He's an educated, opinionated, but extremely well centered anorack. He's a coin collector and metal detectorist and is heavily involved in the politics of getting detecting more socially accepted and legally protected. Penny met (will meet) him on the plane to Frankfurt and that's it for his walk-on in that book.

But next book will be in part around London. Anyhow, as I've been jotting ideas, I've discovered the banter between Penny and Graham is just so much fun.

Anyhow, I'm crawling along from my selected hotel to the top of the Acropolis in Google Street view now, even though I haven't decided if I'm going to describe that part of Penny's day or not (I've spent ten paragraphs of notes so far discussing the pros and cons of putting in as little as two paragraphs of text.)

Beginnings. Nastiest part of any writing, but particularly of a novel.

Edit: And I swear, I made the working title up myself, Chinese menu style, but there really is an Aurelius Dupondius. Described as an exceptionally rare coin, one was discovered in 2007 during a bit of rescue archaeology in the historical center of London.

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