Thursday, January 10, 2019

Information Extraction from a Hamming Oracle

1,900 words now. The first draft of Scene One that actually works for me. Stuck a lot of stuff in there that was supposed to be in the next scene, though, so that may come up a bit short.

Finished reading The Medici Conspiracy, Antiquities, Not all Dead White Men, and gotten up to the point in The Odyssey where all the massacre starts. Reading Indiana Jones in History now; more stuff about the context of archaeological artifacts and the antiquities trade. Browsing sample chapters for good books about the Roman presence in Germany and about the Ottoman occupation of Greece. And, yes, Tacitus is on the list for the former. Also been watching a lot of videos about all the stuff I missed when I was in Athens.

The third C is secure enough now I'm trying to push past it. Relatively comfortable going to D and E but I can only stay stable on them for a short time before my lip loses precision. The slots are way too close together up there. 

One of these days I should really practice all the other scales. But I want to move to sheet music first. It's sort of like the difference between early written languages and an alphabet. Right now when I learn a tune I have to learn the muscle memory for every note in sequence. Instead I should learn the alphabet, the muscle memory that goes with each of the notes the trumpet can reach. It's faster and more repeatable that way.

And it's less than six weeks before I have to go run board again. That's likely to suck up some time.

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