
Sunday, January 26, 2025

One Step Closer

Reading a fascinating book on the birth of nuclear secrecy. Okay, that's getting a little off the subject, but I'm counting it as research for the New Mexico book because that's as close as I've gotten to actually writing anything since I don't know.

But over brunch today mom made a random comment and I suddenly had a strong "B" theme for a different book. The vikings book. It struck me that I'd really like to get Penny back into music, and in the process have her go into her own history and reveal a lot more about her family. This would be the book for it. Of course, I don't have a plot for that book. I have a situation and a way to put Penny in the middle of things, but there's no crime, no artifact, no murder, nothing to hang an actual "Archaeological Adventure" on.

Not that the New Mexico book is plotted yet. I know a lot about the hole the MacGuffin goes into, but not what it is. At least at the stage where I am, I have a lot of leeway. I don't need a thing to be in the grave. I just need something to be radioactive. And for the archaeologists to discover it accidentally (or the coroner's office; either works.)

Other than that, finished my archive binge, bought three books, watching panto now. As I type this, the ITV "All Stars" production of 2000 just asked some "random audience members" to cover a scene change with a little music, and said ringers -- S Club 7, a bubblegum pop band I'd never heard of -- are going through their hit "Never Had a Dream Come True."

Yeah, that's panto. 

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